NY Democrats Claim Free Speech is Privilege, Not a Right!

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From Daily Tech...

New York Democrats Argue Free Speech is a Privilege That Can be Revoked

The Bill is proposed by New York Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, David Carlucci, and David Valesky and is response to cyber-bullying. This Bill is attempting to redefine what "freedom of speech" means.
Proponents of a more refined First Amendment argue that this freedom should be treated not as a right but as a privilege — a special entitlement granted by the state on a conditional basis that can be revoked if it is ever abused or maltreated.
This is blatant censorship and flies in the face of the Bill of Rights. Free speech is cornerstone of the American Republic. Silence the People and only the government can speak.

Another example of creeping socialism.

You can reach the above Senators through their websites;
Jeff Klein
Diane Savino
David Carlucci
David Valesky
actually , according to the Supreme Court 'Hate Speech' is also covered by the 1st. the kkk, neo-nazis, Muslims like the Al Alawki that was recently killed, (even a certain preacher, who would 'God Bless America? no I say God DAMN America 😉) and other idiots are free to speak their mind and even peacefully assemble and say pretty much whatever they want. what they cannot do is 'endanger the public' , things like Yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater when there is no fire, such as to cause a stampede. and Cyber-Bullying is a problem (so is regular Bullying) this is just not going to help.
This is a baby step, a toe in the water to test for controling opposition speach.

'I may disagree COMPLETELY with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it' -- Voltaire

'If Congress were an Idiot, but I repeat myself..." -- Mark Twain
While hate speech is not favorable and a moral people would condemn it (and the majority of Americans do condemn it), hate speech is a right and protected under the Constitution. Hate speech is part of the price Americans pay in return for individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom. Obviously, some folks are better at dealing with that responsibility and liberty than others.
1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Agreed! Anti-cyberbullying laws will be as effective as the Brady Bill was at preventing crime. I still say the best way to deal with a bully is to turn the tables and use the bully's tactics of intimidation, embarrassment, and if necessary opening up a big can of whoop-a$s! Well, at least that's what worked for me...

Thankfully chunky we don't tolerate hate speech here ... as the US constitution doesn't apply.

Therefore I can delete it at will under the TOU for the site.

Users in the US may feel they have the right to post it ... I have the right to delete it.

I think I am doing the rest of the world a service.

Pretty happy about that.

I didnt think the Hitler would get pulled out so soon.....Not surprising.

Hey oldman how would you feel if I slipped Anti tea party propaganda under your door? Or I came to your place of business and and made unfair statements about your mother?

A website is like a business by accepting their terms of use you agree to follow the rules. Same way that little sign says no shoes, no shirt, no service when you enter the gas station.

Its illegal to yell fire in a movie theater and its against the TOU to graphically describe your love for the GOP. Both of them will end awkwardly with little chance of being let back (Or getting a refund)
Hate speech shouldn't be tolerated within the confines of any forum like this, especially when each user is equally subject to the TOU. Censorship and subjective interpretations of the TOU is another matter altogether, regardless of the subject. I can appreciate moderating THG is not an easy task, but thankfully Reynod, you and the other mods wield the Delete Hammer with a fair hand. Just another reason I keep coming back. :)

Anyone remember the free speech zones?

"Socialist agenda." Is that coming from the Faciast agenda?

The ACLU, which is well known for their Liberalism, famously defended the KKK, for thier right to demonstrate on MLK day during a civial rights celebration.

This is America, not Italy, or Pre WW2 Germany ok. I can not stand it when ding bats put Stalin and Hitler in the same category.

Hitler was right wing

Stalin was left wing,

They where bitterly opposed to eachother's views. And by the way,we fought with the Soviets along with Stalin. We where ally's.

Socialism itself is not to be confused with communism. Because socialism is far more to the center where communism is the extreme left. Got it?

I don't know if cyberbullying should be concidered a criminal ofence, I think it would be more appropriate to be able to make it a civil liability case. IE Law Suite for monetary compensation.

Slander someone on print, webpage, TV. Risk getting sued. That sounds fair to me.
"Another example of creeping socialism." What?

I'm not a socialist, I just know political ideologies. You are mistaking socialism with the failed communist systems that, while claiming communism, were just despotic systems of government. It would be wise to rephrase your concerns into "Another example of creeping despotism/tyranny/oppression."

Unless you enjoy pandering misinformation...

But yes, this is a terrible idea. I am all about the "marketplace of ideas." I know Marx would agree.
Socialism is the idea that the government outright owns and controls industrys in it's country such as oil and coal, and natural gas companies. The profits go to the people. Which makes sence to me. Those mineral rights should be public domain.

The U.S. is about the only major industrilized country that allows private instatutions to control vital energy interests.

On the subject of free speech. Check out the land mark supreme court case, that allows corparations to annanously fund political compains. Supreme Court’s Citizens United case says that corporations have the same rights as individuals.

In my opinion. Corporations are not individuals, and should not have the same rights as individuals. The constitution was designed for the right of the individual. Corporations are legal entities on paper, not people.

Also keep in mind owners of corporations can be from anywhere in the world. And can be owned by other corporations. Say a corporation owned by a Socialist government, in say China.

Do you support the People's Replic of China secretely funding a political campain here in the United States? I think not.

So you can thank the Repblican Pro-Business, anti peoples vioce on this one. Because in elections, money talks, how can any one compete against corporate funding in political ads? The vioce of corporation are going to drown out the vioce of the people. Capitalism trumping freedom.


Too bad.
You had everything to become a great civilized country.
Anyway, i agree with you concerning the free speech.

You can pull an Obama and blame whomever you want, but its these particular dems thatre doing this, and pointing fingers wont change this.

If any, I repeat, any pol tries to do this, they should be banned from office and tried in court, misrepresenting to do harm to the peoples, with good sentence as well.

Allowing one central authority to control an entire nation's 'resources' invites corruption and stifles innovation. The authority ultimately must choose who to award contracts to. History demonstrates (without variance) that power brokers end up running the show. These individuals accept 'favors' in return for 'favors' and resource rights are then granted to the chosen few. This is why banks get bailed-out. This is why GM and Chrysler still exist despite decades of failure. The centralization directly leads to an explosion (haha pun) of militarism and a constant sense of alarm from the people. The further the authority becomes centralized, the more problems develop (such as wars and economic distress). This is because people ultimately cannot control their own lives, let alone the lives of others.

From Europe's past colonial struggles to the present day EU meltdown, these problems can be attributed to an embrace of socialism and the abandonment of individual merit and achievement. Young people in Europe enjoy the highest rate of unemployment anywhere outside Africa. Why do you think they are demonstrating? The further they socialize their system, the further the system drags them down. The embrace of the socialist EU and the Euro monetary unit was the latest chapter of Europe's history of wealth redistribution. Ask the Germans how they feel about carrying the rest of Europe on their hardworking backs. It will be very interesting to see whether they keep pouring the gasoline of socialism on their fires. In the past, this has always led to war.
The EU needs to double or triple what theyre giving Greece, maybe quadruple it, then do it again when that money runs out.
Same for Portugal, if they dont, surely theyve lost their moral compass

PS Dont forget about the Irish, as in blazing saddles

Haha, yeah I totally agree. Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain! Makes a hell of an acronym!
Speaking of Marx and the marketplace of ideas, I wonder if these NY Senators read the same article?

Taking issue with my use of the word "socialism" seems a bit pedantic and implying pandering misinformation is just in bad form.

But hey, at least you agree that what these NY Senators are proposing is a bad idea.
The EUs problems are really easy to fix, according to their own beliefs.
They need to redistribute all the money from the better off countries, where their old Marks etc are currently running too high compared to the Euro.
If they pay their fair share to Greece, Ireland, Portugal etc, then their Marks etc will be devalued, and everything will even out.
I say maybe 30-40% more taxes from the better off countries, to help the poorer countries

PS Wheres Gulli when they need him, Im sure my nubers are too low, and more taxes need be paid out, lifting up those in need.
Have more money ummm ideas to use?

As would pretty much the rest of the world.

Its only the terrorists,racists, bigots, religious zealots, and chauvinists in this world that feel the need to send around messages of hate .

The rest of us normal people don't need it thanks.

Hate speech is specifically mentioned in the TOU for this site ... twice.

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