Obama: I'm the President of the United States; I Don't Need to Borrow a Computer

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[citation][nom]dgingeri[/nom]Tell that to my dad, who made less than $2000 profit over the last 2 years with his car insurance business, yet had to pay over $8000 in income taxes on the business revenue because he had to handle it all through his personal taxes, which was ineligible for many of the corporate deductions. He had one worker he hired to help him process quotes and policies, which he had mistakenly thought he could deduct as business expense. Because of the way the tax laws are structured, he couldn't deduct it after all, and had to pay income tax on what he paid his part time worker. The only reason he was able to keep his house was because of his own 401k and social security. many people don't realize that many things they think about the tax code, particularly dealing with business deductions, are completely false. I have known many businesses (spending 4 years doing computer support for small businesses) that had gone under due to massive tax bills during years they operated in the red. Two restaurants I dealt with (and subsequently weren't paid by) operated between $15k and $25k in the red for the year, and were hit with >$50k tax bills, completely driving the businesses under. This was back in the late 90's, when the supposedly small business friendly President Clinton was in office.[/citation]

Thats why they are these companies called management and accounting....dont fault the gov. if you mixed your companie with personal assets.....get an accountant and you might even save money....also companies operating in the red for 2+ years need to restructer or file bankruptcy.....everyone needs to pay their taxes, too often i've seen companies delay as much as possible their taxes so they can have lower prices and kill the competition who is paying his part.
too many blindling create companies with no idea of the laws or market. don't fault the gov. for ur mismanagement nothing should have come as a surprise
[citation][nom]sepayne21[/nom]@davendork... why is it somehow "unchristian" to dislike our taxes to support planned parenthood, socially liberal (sinful) lifestyles and such? and yes, forgiveness is required, but the trespassing party has to request forgiveness (admit wrongdoing, and try not to commit the same transgression). should you forgive me if I stole $100 from you every paycheck to support programs with which you disagree? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be so understanding. I'm not extremely wealthy or anything, and I do get more money under obama's tax rates, but I will never vote for someone to steal money from someone else and give it to me.[/citation]

taxes never worked like that i dt see what makes you so special that you can decide what the money will go to.....
the only reason military not being slashed cuz rep in their backward ways loves the military....we spend so much that we gotta sell to potential futur enemies.....but americas future is grim already the current generation is hampered by a lower quality education then in foreign countries and everyone one wants to cut education....so sad
[citation][nom]ohseus[/nom]@yoder54 very good I see you have been watching MSNBC faithfully and are able to repeat the talking points very well. It really is too bad they are so far separated from reality.[/citation]

Hmmm, who gives us the truth? FOX? Beck? Hannity? The far right? Koch brothers?

The question is, would you know the truth if it looked you straight in the face?
The elitism and hypocrisy of the Democratic party is only eclipsed by that of the Cult of Apple. Why Bush sucked: 2 Wars, Huge Deficit. Corporate Shill. Why Obama Sucks: 3 Wars, 3x as huge Deficit. Corporate Shill!

Wake up and smell the crap. Democrats use fear mongering to get into power then sell their votes to corporations and unions. Is it a coincidence that Obama's Favorite CEO's company GE made 14 Billion in Profits last year and paid 0 taxes?

This is the Obama who said a President does not have the authority outside of a valid threat against the US to attack another nation without consent from Congress. Then Obama did exactly that. Hypocrisy!

The budget has to be slashed and burned to get this deficit down. To get our spending to the point where we cannot end up in a situation like Greece. These 2 parties are arguing over pennies. They cannot agree to cut 60 billion, when in reality they should be cutting over 250 billion, and they should be doing it by cutting into the entitlements, foreign aid, and the military. You can not significantly reduce the deficit without cutting into the military budget, it has to be done. We will not be in a massive conflict without choosing to be while we still have a working nuclear deterrent.

The Democratic Party will not follow fiscal logic and will continue to put us into even worse situations then Bush's colossal errors. So I have no choice but to vote Republican and hope that fiscal conservatism returns to that party and they saw the errors of the Bush method. The errors that Obama seems to want to continue making.

[citation][nom]jj463rd[/nom]He (Obama) has launched more Tomahawk missiles than all of the previous Nobel Peace Prize winners combined.[/citation]

...yeah but we all know that's only because Mother Teresa couldn't afford them...
[citation][nom]invlem[/nom]If we have to bring up the Libya thing, there is one major difference between Obama - libya and Bush - IraqThe use of force in Libya was approved by the United Nations. Iraq not so much.[/citation]

Actually in Iraq it was condemned by the united nations, only Britain supported us and bush shit on them later when everyone found out he was lieing about everything and left them holding the ball. The UN even equipped the Iraq military to fight us.

O and to the people trying to defend Bush... just stop your making your self look ridiculous. He is going to go down as the worst president of this nation ever for a good reason just let it go.
[citation][nom]davendork[/nom]I think if you look at the education level of registered Republicans versus Democrats you would see the skew. The GOP is uneducated people being used by "The Man" again. Is this much different than the dictators they speak out against? Being called dumb by a Republican is like being called a swindler by B. Madoff[/citation]

I believe that the "education level" of conservatives is low simply because of what passes for education these days as well as liberal teachers who won't let conservatives get through without signing up for their liberal brainwashing.

I've been to 5 colleges and run into 8 different "teachers" who flat out would not let me pass just because I'm conservative. After 20 years, it has just been getting worse and worse. The worst are English teachers. My latest incident, a "Leadership" class at CSU Global Campus was by far the worst. My first assignment, I mentioned that Jesus was an example of a good leader because of the religion he formed and how his movement lasted through 2000 years. I got a 12/20 for that assignment, and it just went downhill after that. I had a friend in that class, and in the same assignment, she didn't include any references, while I included 2. The teacher took off 20 out of 50 points for my references being formatted incorrectly while my friend got a 50/50 without even including references. Back in my first semester of college, I had a teacher knock down a paper 25% because she "didn't like the way that argument was formulated" in a basic composition class. I was the only one to fail that class, yet I did not have a single grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or structural mistake in any of my papers, and got all the papers done.

I still have not been able to even get to any of the classes that actually had any useful info. The liberal blockade keeps it from me.

Education these days is simply a gauntlet of liberal tripe and brianwashing dressed up in an overly expensive price tag. And people wonder why our educational system is failing these days...
[citation][nom]dgingeri[/nom]I believe that the "education level" of conservatives is low simply because of what passes for education these days as well as liberal teachers who won't let conservatives get through without signing up for their liberal brainwashing.I've been to 5 colleges and run into 8 different "teachers" who flat out would not let me pass just because I'm conservative. After 20 years, it has just been getting worse and worse. The worst are English teachers. My latest incident, a "Leadership" class at CSU Global Campus was by far the worst. My first assignment, I mentioned that Jesus was an example of a good leader because of the religion he formed and how his movement lasted through 2000 years. I got a 12/20 for that assignment, and it just went downhill after that. I had a friend in that class, and in the same assignment, she didn't include any references, while I included 2. The teacher took off 20 out of 50 points for my references being formatted incorrectly while my friend got a 50/50 without even including references. Back in my first semester of college, I had a teacher knock down a paper 25% because she "didn't like the way that argument was formulated" in a basic composition class. I was the only one to fail that class, yet I did not have a single grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or structural mistake in any of my papers, and got all the papers done. I still have not been able to even get to any of the classes that actually had any useful info. The liberal blockade keeps it from me.Education these days is simply a gauntlet of liberal tripe and brianwashing dressed up in an overly expensive price tag. And people wonder why our educational system is failing these days...[/citation]

After reading all your posts I'm sure its your attitude thats the problem not the "liberal man" keeping you down. Jesus didn't form a religion and he was simply "got the most votes" out of the supposed people that were to be the savior. He was simply a prophecy of a religion that may or may have not been named yet. If it was me you would have gotten a do it again stamp. I'm pretty sure they were a tad bit more specific on what they meant by leader. Seems your brain washing is your major problem here.. Blame it on everyone around you and not on perhaps the one making the mistakes.. (sure sounds like a republican to me 😉 Im sure the class's had useful information I'm also pretty sure you just didn't consider it as such or just dismissed it as liberal garbage simply because you didn't agree with what was said.
[citation][nom]hoofhearted[/nom]Before this whole Libyan thing, I just saw Obama as the dem in the typical dem vs rep crap. Now, he needs to step down. What did Libya do to the US to even provoke this? This is the most impeachable offense. At least both of the Bushes did what they were supposed to when it came to congress.[/citation]

Bush did what exactly? Knowingly take bad advice start wars on unfounded rumors? What did Libya do?? Do you read anything else on the internet or news besides tomshardware?
While it's nice that we no longer have a moron president, I'm not so sure that an egomaniac better.
Besides that when you look past the rhetoric and what the biased media chooses to present to the people they are pretty much identical policy-wise.
[citation][nom]computertech82[/nom]news flash brain deads...liberal means liberty for all. =buy a dictionary before trying to use words you dont know.(amazing what happens when you LEARN what words mean...)[/citation]

Odd that definition doesn't show up anywhere in any dictionary i searched. I'm sure in one type of context your correct. But narrow minded.

This however comes up on every search i do for the word.

favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.

of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.

favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.

free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.

given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.

In fact the word seems to have so many definitions only a idiot would call someone else brain dead and only give one example (which i have yet to find) as proof. You don't seem to know what the word means either. Learn about what your talking about before trying to bash others unknowingly.

Though after reading everything i did Liberal loosely can be translated into someone who believe is personal freedoms and liberty for all.
The US Constitution says "We" The American People own this Country.

Somehow the idea that anything that is publicly owned or controlled is now a bad thing. Capitalism has become more important than our Constitution and that's just Un-American.
Remember when people respected the president because that's just what you did? That doesn't mean agreeing with him by any means, but Jesus some of you folks needed to learn some manners when you were younger.

Or someone with half a brain cell should've told you not to discuss politics if it was not solicited.
[citation][nom]icemunk[/nom]He seems like a pretty fun guy, too bad he's shackled by the Republican (Regressive Party) held House of Representatives.[/citation]
He was in full control for 2 years and look where that got us, liberals just kill me, especially the stupid followers.
[citation][nom]maydaynomore[/nom]Too bad this country has been ruined beyond repair by the guy before him. it will take decades to get us where we were before "Bush" times.[/citation]
Another clueless libtard speaks.
[citation][nom]thrasher32[/nom]It's funny how 99.999% of intelligent people can see right through Republican BS.What's that say about the general population when they elect GWB twice?[/citation]
That his opponent couldnt have been a worse opponent? Seriously, kerry was horrendous, particularly horrendous for what kind of president was needed at the time. I am not gonna say Bush did a great job, but Kerry was an unenthusiastic dolt... imo.
I've got to say that that is probably the coolest picture I've seen of the POTUS. The details make it and he looks genuinely happy. And his initials are BHO; does that make him spyware?
[citation][nom]fayzaan[/nom]Haha this loser wont fix anything. Hes the same shit just different face![/citation]

Loser? By all means, run for President. If you are an American and over the age of 35 - you can run. Just file the paper work and start the process.
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