Offline Archiving Program


Nov 27, 2003
I need help. I want a program that is like a backup program, but along with backing something up, creates an index on my computer....maybe with little icons of what is saved. That way, I can look through that index and say.....i need this picture or that movie or that document or whatever and it will say, put in disk 7 and it will pull it off. Is there any such program. Free is great but I would be willing to pay for one as well. Please help! I don't even really know what to call that kind of program so I can't even look around for one.
Why don't you create your own library using Nero's data CD writer?

Also, get that directory printing program (I think it's called DirPrn; free by the way) so that when you finish one cd to your liking, you can print out the table of contents. Magic marker the cd (label & number it and the printout.)

After you get a few of them going, go into Word and create an index alphabetically, which you can keep printing out as you expand.

It's not really as daunting as it sounds. It'll be fun, and you'll have done it for yourself, gathering a sense of accomplishment and organization that will make you feel great.
Well. I suppose that is a good stopgap method, but I just have to think that I am not the only person that has need for a program like this. There has to be something out there that does it. Thanks for the suggestion though. Anyone else have ideas?