
Jun 7, 2018
Hello. Let's start with the fact that I do gym in my house, mostly weights. I lift weights. Near where I lift weights is the DSL(phone) cable that goes to my router. Problem is whenever I do gym, finish and go play a game or something my ping is VERY high. For example, normal ping on an EU server in CSGO is like 80ms, but when the ping thing happens, I get 300-500ms. Please help. I have the DSL modem/router that my ISP provided.
I'm with the other posters, no way the weights are causing EMI. MAYBE the loose cable/wiggle suggestion but even that I highly doubt. It's probably what the other poster said regarding the time. If you lift weights 5-6 then game at say 7-8, that's prime time and probably has more to do with traffic on community lines slowing you down.

Why don't you try this: Open command prompt and set a continuous ping. So type "ping google -t" or CSGO server, whatever. Then go lift weights for a bit. Then come back and check the ping results. If you see a sudden spike when you touch the weights, that would be weird as hell. I suspect it's probably just later in the day after your workout and other people are causing congestion but if you...
So, what do you think the relationship between your weights and the DSL line is? Is that what you are implying is the issue?

Does this happen with all game servers/games or just some? Are you connected to your router via a wired or wireless connection?
So, what do you think the relationship between your weights and the DSL line is? Is that what you are implying is the issue?

Does this happen with all game servers/games or just some? Are you connected to your router via a wired or wireless connection?
Yes I'm implying there is a relationship between the weights and the lag. It happens ONLY when I do weights. I lag EVERYWHERE. Even on youtube. CSGO, Discord you name it. I am using Ethernet.
I have moved the router, just not the cable. Yes they are steel weights. Before lifting, the ping is just fine, but after I finish (and during) the ping goes through the roof.
This would imply some sort of magnetic interference. In all my years of geeking around, this is a new one!

Can you move the weight-set or re-route the DSL cable?
Do you do weights on a set schedule ? For example Monday-Friday each day you will do weights for an hour at 6pm -7pm. if this is only happening at certain times then this problem might be nothing to do with your weights and it might just be that it occurs at a set time each day and it is just a coincidence that it happens after you do weights. If this is the case the problem is most likely to do with your ISP and could be that they are throttling your connection after set times of the day.
Do you do weights on a set schedule ? For example Monday-Friday each day you will do weights for an hour at 6pm -7pm. if this is only happening at certain times then this problem might be nothing to do with your weights and it might just be that it occurs at a set time each day and it is just a coincidence that it happens after you do weights. If this is the case the problem is most likely to do with your ISP and could be that they are throttling your connection after set times of the day.
I mostly do weights 6-7 (as you guessed). But sometimes I don't have enough time to lift weights and when I don't, the ping is just fine. It's not the ISP, it's just probably magnetic interference between the weights and the cable.
Also, can anyone give me advice as to how I can stop the high ping after I finish the weight-lifting? Will like an outdoor, waterproof DSL cable prevent the magnetic interference? Any advice? Remember than I have high ping even after I stop weight-lifting for the rest of the day, but the next day the ping is just fine.
Hello, as the title says I need advice as to how I can protect my 15m(50ft) DSL cable from EMI (Electromagnetic interference). I've tried putting aluminum foil around the part of the cable that's near the port but it of course, didn't work. I really don't wanna buy a new cable because it costs €30 and I don't really wanna spend €30 on a small cable. Please help me because as I said in a previous post, because of the interference I get 500ms on games.
I'm with the other posters, no way the weights are causing EMI. MAYBE the loose cable/wiggle suggestion but even that I highly doubt. It's probably what the other poster said regarding the time. If you lift weights 5-6 then game at say 7-8, that's prime time and probably has more to do with traffic on community lines slowing you down.

Why don't you try this: Open command prompt and set a continuous ping. So type "ping google -t" or CSGO server, whatever. Then go lift weights for a bit. Then come back and check the ping results. If you see a sudden spike when you touch the weights, that would be weird as hell. I suspect it's probably just later in the day after your workout and other people are causing congestion but if you skip the workout, then you're on earlier, before the other people. Make sense?