[SOLVED] Only 16GB out of 32GB Usable


Jul 28, 2013
PC Specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 1500
ASUS 1060 6GB
MSI B350 Tomahawk (Updated BIOS to try and solve the issue below)
Previous RAM HyperX Predator 16GB (2x8) - https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07GL6CLTT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
New RAM Corsair Vengeance 32GB (2x16) - https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/produc...hz-desktop-memory-cmk32gx4m2e3200c16/15300640
Corsair MP300 120GB M.2
Seagate HDD

I was trying to upgrade my RAM to the Corsair Vengeance 32GB (2x16) and when I installed it I powered off the PC took out the previous RAM and put the new RAM in the exact same slots. I powered on into BIOS to enable XMP Profile 2 (3200Mhz) which was no problem before.

This is where the problems began. I had a red light turn on on the motherboard and it wouldn't post for about 5-6 tries. Finally booted into windows, loaded chrome and started to load a game but it blue-screened and restarted. I got into BIOS again and set everything to default, again red light on the motherboard and after 2-3 tries it booted so I checked the RAM in windows and it recognized 32GB but only said 16GB was available. I already updated BIOS, tried the MSConfig and box unchecked, reseated new RAM multiple times, and tried each stick again getting the red light on the motherboard. I've tried different XMP profiles and 'Memory Try It' in BIOS to no avail. I didn't think swapping RAM would be this big of a headache.

Reverted to previous RAM and just had a blue screen. Reverted all BIOS to default.

Would still like to upgrade to 32GB, before returning the Corsair Vengeance Kit anyone have any other ideas?
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After more troubleshooting, I reseated the CPU cooler, tried the new RAM in the same slots, reseated the mobo battery, made sure the mobo wasn't overly tightened to the chassis and reseated the CPU power cable. Not sure which one seemed to fix the issue but windows recognizes ALL 32GB of RAM at default BIOS settings and 2133MHz. Cannot confirm at his point if I'll be successful with 3200MHz.
it sounds like a bad stick of RAM, but I would first try swapping the sticks around to different slots, keeping track of which stick was tried in which socket. Put a bit of masking tape on each one with a number or letter so you can keep track. Maybe you can find a combination that Windows will like.

See my update, not sure what I did out of those things but something seemed to work and I can run it at 3200MHz. I had already tried the sticks one at a time and BIOS recognized both. Seemed to be solved with something I did. Thank you though.