Hi, this is my first post, so please correct me if I'm in the wrong category etc.
So basically I am trying to modify the code from this thread:
- https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...nd-closes-respectively.3301639/#post-20193797
The code should open osu!.exe aswell as Keyoverlay.exe, wait until osu!.exe is closed and close keyoverlay.exe thereafter. My try at this ends up looking like this:
@Echo off
start "F:\archive\osu-stuff\kkeyoverlay\KeyOverlay.exe"
start /wait "" "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\osu!\osu!.exe"
taskkill /IM KeyOverlay.exe
When the .bat file is started, osu!.exe opens up, as well as the corresponding cmd process, which closes When the game is closed. The problem I'm facing now, is that keyoverlay.exe is not opening and another cmd process opening but not closing, which just shows the lines:
This is where the .bat file is saved.
It doesn't appear to be doing anything. This process also does not close when exiting the game.
If possible I'd like the cmd processes to not be shown aswell, to make it look better. I've done this on another project by using this code:
[ CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ]
which was then used like this:
[ wscript.exe "line-from-above" "other-code" ]
Is that possible in this case aswell, or do I need another way of sorting this out ?
I tried varying the location of the program, just out of curiosity as well as switching the order of the code.
I have zero clue of what I'm doing and am just pasting code, so please dont bash me if its obvious.
Any help is greatly appreciated !
So basically I am trying to modify the code from this thread:
- https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...nd-closes-respectively.3301639/#post-20193797
The code should open osu!.exe aswell as Keyoverlay.exe, wait until osu!.exe is closed and close keyoverlay.exe thereafter. My try at this ends up looking like this:
@Echo off
start "F:\archive\osu-stuff\kkeyoverlay\KeyOverlay.exe"
start /wait "" "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\osu!\osu!.exe"
taskkill /IM KeyOverlay.exe
When the .bat file is started, osu!.exe opens up, as well as the corresponding cmd process, which closes When the game is closed. The problem I'm facing now, is that keyoverlay.exe is not opening and another cmd process opening but not closing, which just shows the lines:
This is where the .bat file is saved.
It doesn't appear to be doing anything. This process also does not close when exiting the game.
If possible I'd like the cmd processes to not be shown aswell, to make it look better. I've done this on another project by using this code:
[ CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ]
which was then used like this:
[ wscript.exe "line-from-above" "other-code" ]
Is that possible in this case aswell, or do I need another way of sorting this out ?
I tried varying the location of the program, just out of curiosity as well as switching the order of the code.
I have zero clue of what I'm doing and am just pasting code, so please dont bash me if its obvious.
Any help is greatly appreciated !