Mercy is probably one of the easiest healers to play, and is an asset to have on your team. If you have terrible aim, but still want to play Overwatch and help your team, Mercy is an excellent choice!
Angelic Decent (passive)
Mercy will regenerate health after a few seconds of not taking any damage. She can also control the speed at which she falls ("it's not flying, it's falling with style"). To do this, hold the 'jump' button while Mercy is in the air, and she will fall slowly. Letting go of the 'jump' button will end this and Mercy will fall normally. This is a super useful strategy to take advantage of to evade enemy fire if you're on a ledge. Simply jump off and slow your falling speed to throw off their aim and get yourself to safety! Once safe, you will begin to regenerate health.
Caduceus Staff/Alternate fire
Mercy uses a beam of energy to assist a nearby ally. Mercy will target the ally closest to her crosshairs and will be tethered to said ally as long as you hold down the main fire button. The primary fire is a tether of healing. The targeted ally will regenerate health for as long as they are tethered.
The alternate fire is a beam that works similarly to the healing tether but boosts damage instead of healing.
You do not have to continually look at the ally for the tether to remain, but the tether will break if the ally moves out of direct line of sight, or if they move out of range. These abilities, sadly, do not work through walls or objects. Use Guardian Angel to get into range of your allies.
You can alternate between the tethers as the situation changes. You do not have to worry about crossing the beams, as you cannot use both tethers at the same time.
Caduceus Blaster Even though Mercy is a healer, she does have an offensive weapon that will shoot nearby enemies if needed to get out of a pinch. Caduceus Blaster is easily dodged and fairly weak when used from a distance, but can be deadly at close range - especially when you headshot with the bolts. This is useful if you get caught on your own (But you're a healer. What are you doing out on your own?!)
Mercy can not tether allies while she has her blaster out so, whenever possible, it is a much better idea to boost your allies to do more damage when needed.
Guardian Angel]/b] This ability auto-targets the ally closest to Mercy's crosshair if she is not tethered to a teammate. When tethered, this ability takes Mercy towards the tethered teammate even if her crosshair is pointed elsewhere. (Guardian Angel's preference for tethered teammates over crosshaired teammates can be set in the Mercy-specific game control settings.)
This ability is great for closing small distances between Mercy and her allies.
Resurrect (Ulatimate) Mercy's ultimate will kill the entire team. What? No, it's called resurrection. It will resurrect nearby fallen allies. Duh. Timing Mercy's resurrection is imperitive in order to get the most out of it. Using it during a team fight when multiple allies fall is more beneficial than using it on a single fallen ally out of combat.
You can use Guardian Angel on a fallen ally and cast Resurrect while in the air.
Angelic Decent (passive)
Mercy will regenerate health after a few seconds of not taking any damage. She can also control the speed at which she falls ("it's not flying, it's falling with style"). To do this, hold the 'jump' button while Mercy is in the air, and she will fall slowly. Letting go of the 'jump' button will end this and Mercy will fall normally. This is a super useful strategy to take advantage of to evade enemy fire if you're on a ledge. Simply jump off and slow your falling speed to throw off their aim and get yourself to safety! Once safe, you will begin to regenerate health.

Caduceus Staff/Alternate fire
Mercy uses a beam of energy to assist a nearby ally. Mercy will target the ally closest to her crosshairs and will be tethered to said ally as long as you hold down the main fire button. The primary fire is a tether of healing. The targeted ally will regenerate health for as long as they are tethered.
The alternate fire is a beam that works similarly to the healing tether but boosts damage instead of healing.
You do not have to continually look at the ally for the tether to remain, but the tether will break if the ally moves out of direct line of sight, or if they move out of range. These abilities, sadly, do not work through walls or objects. Use Guardian Angel to get into range of your allies.
You can alternate between the tethers as the situation changes. You do not have to worry about crossing the beams, as you cannot use both tethers at the same time.

Caduceus Blaster Even though Mercy is a healer, she does have an offensive weapon that will shoot nearby enemies if needed to get out of a pinch. Caduceus Blaster is easily dodged and fairly weak when used from a distance, but can be deadly at close range - especially when you headshot with the bolts. This is useful if you get caught on your own (But you're a healer. What are you doing out on your own?!)
Mercy can not tether allies while she has her blaster out so, whenever possible, it is a much better idea to boost your allies to do more damage when needed.

Guardian Angel]/b] This ability auto-targets the ally closest to Mercy's crosshair if she is not tethered to a teammate. When tethered, this ability takes Mercy towards the tethered teammate even if her crosshair is pointed elsewhere. (Guardian Angel's preference for tethered teammates over crosshaired teammates can be set in the Mercy-specific game control settings.)
This ability is great for closing small distances between Mercy and her allies.

Resurrect (Ulatimate) Mercy's ultimate will kill the entire team. What? No, it's called resurrection. It will resurrect nearby fallen allies. Duh. Timing Mercy's resurrection is imperitive in order to get the most out of it. Using it during a team fight when multiple allies fall is more beneficial than using it on a single fallen ally out of combat.
You can use Guardian Angel on a fallen ally and cast Resurrect while in the air.