[SOLVED] Parts Compatibility: Mobo and Mini Tower Case


Sep 21, 2015
Hi all!

I'm looking to build a cheap console-like gaming rig out of some old parts — preferably in a tower that takes up as little space as possible, since it will be going under the TV entertainment center. I have the following components already:
Intel - Core i5-4460 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor (with stock Intel heatsink/fan)
ADATA - XPG V1.0 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
MSI - GeForce GTX 970 4 GB Video Card
Seagate - Barracuda ES.2 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive

My first question is, am I going to find any compatible micro motherboard for these components? The ASRock - E3C222D4U Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard looks like it might work, except PCPartPicker is uncertain whether the ADATA RAM will be compatible. No big deal, memory's cheap, so long as the CPU and GPU are compatible. Ditto the hard drive, since I'll probably grab a small SSD anyway.

Second, assuming there's a micro motherboard I can use and assuming I grab a power supply like the Corsair - CXM (2015) 450 W, will these parts fit in the PCMR-recommended Rosewill - FBM-06 MicroATX Mini Tower Case? PCPartPicker wasn't able to verify the physical dimensions.
If not, what's the smallest, cheapest case y'all think I could get away with? Not particularly concerned about aesthetics here.

Here's a link to a partial PCPP mock-up: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/23VYkd

Thanks in advance for the help!
There you go, should be all good now...

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU | Intel - Core i5-4460 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor | $279.99 @ Newegg
CPU Cooler | ARCTIC - Freezer 7 Pro Rev.2 45 CFM Fluid Dynamic Bearing CPU Cooler | $24.72 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | ASRock - C226M WS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard | $158.99 @ SuperBiiz
Memory | ADATA - XPG V1.0 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3-1600 Memory |-
Storage | Kingston - A400 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $29.99 @ Amazon
Storage | Seagate - Barracuda ES.2 500 GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive |-
Video Card | MSI - GeForce GTX 970 4 GB Twin Frozr V Video Card |-
Case | Rosewill - FBM-X1 MicroATX Mini Tower Case | $26.99 @ Amazon
Power Supply | Corsair - CX (2017) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply | $39.99 @ Newegg
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $575.67
| Mail-in rebates | -$15.00
| Total | $560.67
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-05-03 19:18 EDT-0400 |
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