Question PC freezing and low GPU usage ?

Jun 17, 2022
My pc freeze sometimes but only at the first 5-10 mins then it will not freaze even at gaming but its anoying to restart your pc once or twice before actualy using it.
And i see most of the games doesnt use gpu(GTX 1070 OC) to 100% and my gpu is 100% bottleneck with my 12100f.

Im getting arround 250-300 W usagge of power so nothing big for my Corsair CX650 non Modular (I heard it have more lifespam the M variant).
IDK what a problem is if its Power Suplly or some Windows error( I have reinstalled Windows recetly so maybe not).
Or its my SSD(im using it only for windows and some files or programs) bcs i completly upgrade my pc except the storage and this same error keep happening.
Before it the display output sometimes turn off but m that was only my old GTX 970 overheated.

So its little bit on the SSD side bcs its slower than it was.(According to UserBenchmark test but my harddrives is better than expectations).