Question PC takes very long to boot after shut down


May 30, 2019
Hi, I have an issue that I cannot seem to solve anyhow, I've tried every possible thing, from reinstalling Windows to updating BIOS. Thing is, issue started popping up after I changed cases, moved all components to the other case and then this started happening.

So what happens is that when I turn on my PC from a power off state after the pin login screen Windows will take forever to boot, it goes into a black screen when only the cursor is visible and Windows loads after 1-2 minutes, but this EXACT scenario only happens after the PC has been shut off for a period of time (around 2 hours I am not sure), restarting works fine, restarting while in the black screen will also boot me fine the next time. I will link to a video with the issue.

This only started happening after i switched cases, which leads me to believe i might've broke something. I have no idea how to fix it and I've tried everything besides a CMOS reset which I am not sure if it will help. The boot drive is an SSD and any scan that I did on it reported no errors but the SSD may be at fault since I don't know what else it can be.

Video of the issue:
I mean not all the time but it'll shut off at some points and then just turn right back on after telling it to shutdown or immediately goes to the sign-in splash screen but I don't mind it cuz it's now basically an AI PC cuz it's got a 40 Series GPU in it and you don't know what that thing is telling the PC to do now lol. Why should that matter btw no offense. How often do you go from the sign-in splash to shutting down?
I mean not all the time but it'll shut off at some points and then just turn right back on after telling it to shutdown or immediately goes to the sign-in splash screen but I don't mind it cuz it's now basically an AI PC cuz it's got a 40 Series GPU in it and you don't know what that thing is telling the PC to do now lol. Why should that matter btw no offense. How often do you go from the sign-in splash to shutting down?
Well while its not a huge issue true but I'd like it to not be an issue at all since it can be quite annoying, feels like I am back at having windows on an HDD with how slow it boots. Especially since it didn't happen before.
Did you lose power while your pc was off? Sometimes my system takes longer to boot if that happens it's why i got an APU (backup power supply)