Question PC turned on and off from power cord coming out of bad wall outlet and optical drive seems to be making mechanical noises


Mar 11, 2021
So I tried to push my power cord into the wall outlet and saw electrical sparks. Then the cord came out and I put it back in but sparks came out again so I quickly took it out, but the power switch wasn't turned off. After switching to another wall outlet, this time with my switch off, I turned everything back on and now I hear a continuous click or mechanical noise coming from my WD optical drive. At times it stops clicking or making the noise. The drive is operable. Not sure what happened there. Do I need a new drive now? I don't have a backup drive in the meantime. Should I remove the drive for now?

I have everything plugged into a reliable Belkin surge protector. I'm wondering if it was possibly hit with an overload.
Do I understand correctly that the system is functional other than the optical drive clicking?

If so, you should make the effort to back up all important data to locations other than the PC in question.

Verify that the backups are both recoverable and readable.

= = = =

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

Which model WD optical drive?

Surge protectors are rated in Joules as a means to indicate how much energy they can absorb while protecting some device. Such as a PC.

The Joule value is cummulative: several small "hits" or one big "hit". Once past the limit the surge protector is no longer effective and surges pass through to the once protected device.

Which model Belkin Surge Protector?