Mar 28, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'm looking to increase my desktops potential so that I can carry on streaming my game play on twitch, I belive all I need to do is increase my RAM and maybe my graphics card, but I am unsure what graphics card to actually get with this desktop. I dont want to spend too much as I spent a fair bit on this so far.

Intel Core i7 2700K
Cores 4
Threads 8
Name Intel Core i7 2700K
Code Name Sandy Bridge
Package Socket 1155 LGA
Technology 32nm
Specification Intel Core i7-2700K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Family 6
Extended Family 6
Model A
Extended Model 2A
Stepping 7
Revision D2
Instructions MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, Intel 64, NX, VMX, AES, AVX
Virtualization Supported, Enabled
Hyperthreading Supported, Enabled
Fan Speed 1004 RPM
Bus Speed 99.8 MHz
Stock Core Speed 3500 MHz
Stock Bus Speed 100 MHz
Average Temperature 73 °C,
Memory slots
Total memory slots 4
Used memory slots 3
Free memory slots 1
Type DDR3
Size 8192 MBytes
Channels # Dual
DRAM Frequency 665.1 MHz
CAS# Latency (CL) 9 clocks
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 9 clocks
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 9 clocks
Cycle Time (tRAS) 24 clocks
Command Rate (CR) 2T
Physical Memory
Memory Usage 91 %
Total Physical 7.97 GB
Available Physical 672 MB
Total Virtual 15 GB
Available Virtual 3.10 GB
Manufacturer Intel Corporation
Model DH67GD (CPU 1)
Version AAG10206-210
Chipset Vendor Intel
Chipset Model Sandy Bridge
Chipset Revision 09
Southbridge Vendor Intel
Southbridge Model H67
Southbridge Revision B3
System Temperature 42 °C
Brand Intel Corp.
Version BLH6710H.86A.0156.2012.0615.1908
Date 15/06/2012
Name HP L1945w on AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
Current Resolution 1440x900 pixels
Work Resolution 1440x860 pixels
State Enabled, Primary, Output devices support
Monitor Width 1440
Monitor Height 900
Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
ATI AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
Manufacturer ATI
Model AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
Device ID 1002-6613
Subvendor XFX Pine Group (1682)
Current Performance Level Level 0
Current GPU Clock 780 MHz
Current Memory Clock 800 MHz
Current Shader Clock 800 MHz
Voltage 1.150 V
GPU Clock 780.0 MHz
Temperature 53 °C
Core Voltage 1.150 V
Driver version 26.20.12028.2
BIOS Version 113-240A-CLF-101
Memory Type DDR3
Memory 2048 MB
Bandwidth 25.6 GB/s
Count of performance levels : 2
Level 1 - "Perf Level 0"
GPU Clock 300 MHz
Shader Clock 300 MHz
Level 2 - "Perf Level 1"
GPU Clock 780 MHz
Shader Clock 800 MHz

The RAM that I am currently looking at is I think that this will actually work with my current pc. Thanks for any help!
since the XBOX is actually handling the graphical and game data processing in-game, the video's lag would be hard to diagnose.
my guess would be that it is the lack of CPU power along with the lack of memory frequency that is causing the issue(s).
if you do not plan on upgrading the computer's base(chipset, CPU, etc...);
a higher frequency/greater size memory could possibly help. you would have to verify if your board supports 240-pin RAM, but i would recommend the
G.SKILL Sniper Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 Model [F3-2400C11D-16GSR]


Mar 11, 2016
you need to cut down on that wall of text to the actual items. and for more help next time. we dont need every spec for every item. what i put here is roughly what is needed next time.

cpu: Intel Core i7 2700K

RAM: 3 sticks of DDR3 8gig ram at 655 in a dual channel system.

MOBO:Model DH67GD (CPU 1) Version AAG10206-210

GPU: AMD radeon R7 240 2gig 780MHz

my conclusion. im not sure the extra stick would help much. that is an old system. 8 years is a long run for a pc.
Mar 28, 2020
Ahh cheers for the heads up with that, i wasnt sure what information you would require at all to be honest. I only bought this second hand a couple of years back for about 400 I think. I doubt I would be able to afford a whole new system as im out of work on the sick thats why im just looking to upgrade this so that I can carry on using it for streaming!
the page you linked does not point to any particular item. just a list of low speed generic RAM.
...I'm looking to increase my desktops potential...
what exactly do you mean by this?
you want higher frame rates, you want to play at higher resolutions, you want to increase graphical settings?
and what games are you planning on playing and streaming? and when you say "streaming", you do mean broadcasting live and/or recorded gameplay?

i'm actually amazed you could pull off streaming any modern AAA game at a comfortable frame rate with any decent settings with the setup you have.
post a link for us of your "streaming" please. i'd like to see how it is going. actually seeing the video from your system as it is now, we may be able to provide you with some more specific advice.

but i would recommend starting on a new modern system with current generation hardware.
if your current system is at least in a nice looking case i would post it for sale online and hope someone without a clue wants to buy. then put that money towards building a decent system.
Mar 28, 2020
the page you linked does not point to any particular item. just a list of low speed generic RAM.
what exactly do you mean by this?
you want higher frame rates, you want to play at higher resolutions, you want to increase graphical settings?
and what games are you planning on playing and streaming? and when you say "streaming", you do mean broadcasting live and/or recorded gameplay?

i'm actually amazed you could pull off streaming any modern AAA game at a comfortable frame rate with any decent settings with the setup you have.
post a link for us of your "streaming" please. i'd like to see how it is going. actually seeing the video from your system as it is now, we may be able to provide you with some more specific advice.

but i would recommend starting on a new modern system with current generation hardware.
if your current system is at least in a nice looking case i would post it for sale online and hope someone without a clue wants to buy. then put that money towards building a decent system.

Hello there, the only thing I have that's recent is a clip from twitch

basically what my problem is that when I stream sometimes it becomes choppy/laggy I belive its to do with the lack of ram because when i check on task manager its running rather high or it could be a problem with the graphics card. I stream from my xbox to the xbox companion app which then goes to my stream labs then to twitch, which is the only way that I have been able to run it so far.
since the XBOX is actually handling the graphical and game data processing in-game, the video's lag would be hard to diagnose.
my guess would be that it is the lack of CPU power along with the lack of memory frequency that is causing the issue(s).
if you do not plan on upgrading the computer's base(chipset, CPU, etc...);
a higher frequency/greater size memory could possibly help. you would have to verify if your board supports 240-pin RAM, but i would recommend the
G.SKILL Sniper Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 Model [F3-2400C11D-16GSR]
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