Question PC wont boot, case fans not spinning

Nov 14, 2019
Hi guys,
My PC wont boot today, it was working fine yesterday.
The case fans and psu fan wont spin, but the mobo lights up without any indications of error. CPU and g
Everything seems to be in good condition.

Ive checked my mobo, psu, cpu and ram. Everything works. This happend once before when I had a new ram doa, but the LED showed dram red. This time I cannot figure out whats wrong.

Any suggestions? Any feedback is helpful

Asus z270f
Intel core i7-7700K
Corsair rm550x psu
Asus geforce 1080 rog
Corsair vengeance ddr4 32gb
how did you check them?
I have another PC where I checked the different parts. I just removed the cmos battery for a min and tried to boot up again, now all the fans are running on the case as well. However, there is nothing happening on the screen and mouse/keyboard. My USB external hd seems to be powered tho