Question PC won't boot ?

Oct 2, 2021
I built my computer a year ago and one day it stopped booting or giving post beep. when I showed it to a engineer he said that either motherboard or cpu is gone. So I RMA my motherboard but It won't show any signs now either. So I sent my cpu to RMA and got a replacement from AMD but now also I don't have any signs. Later when again sent it to my engineer he said that ram is the problem and said that it won't boot on higher ram frequency but I am using it on 3200mhz from last year and he said it booted on 2666mhz. and its almost 7 days I sent my ram and motherboard again for RMA . Any suggestions what could be the problem.

Pc specs:
Cpu - Amd Ryzen 3 3200g with inbuilt vega 8 graphic
Motherboard - Asus prime a320m-k
Ram- adata xpg d30 8gb (1x8) ddr4 3200mhz
Psu- gigabyte p450b
If at their repair center it booted with 2666 native stick, then ask them to update BIOS and recheck with your RAM stick. Also reset BIOS to defaults by shorting pins on the mobo and check again. I believe when you say PC is not booting, you mean it powers on, all fans run but it does not POST, blank display.
If at their repair center it booted with 2666 native stick, then ask them to update BIOS and recheck with your RAM stick. Also reset BIOS to defaults by shorting pins on the mobo and check again. I believe when you say PC is not booting, you mean it powers on, all fans run but it does not POST, blank display.
Yes all fans are spinning but no post beep or display. As for the bios I have sent it to asus service center and tell them everything and said them to give me seal pack new replacement . Asus also said that check if your company ram is capable with the board. But it should be capable as it ran for a last year