Sep 24, 2019
Please don't spam the forum keep it to 1 thread
I recently bought a new laptop "Acer Nitro 5 Ryzen 5 Quad core HHD 8GB Ram Gtx 1650"
When I play fortnite on it, i can get 120-140 fps but after every 7 to 8 secs, my game freezes for 1 second and then its again back to 130 fps, sometimes,I get soooooo bad stutters whenever enemy comes in front of me or when I destroy a tree with my pickaxes, or when I am walking near a big city and etc.. this makes the game unplayable
I have my charger plugged in, I have turned game mode off, I have set windows to high performance,I am playing fortnite on all low and 720p.
To fix my stutters someone suggested me to increase my ram,because I only have 5.70 usable ram out of 8GB. 2.30gb ram is used by my integrated gpu, that is vega 8. Can I increase my ram without buying it with this method ?please tell me if I should try this one which is shown I the video -

Or this one -

Or any other method to increase usable ram

And also, can there be another reason for my stutters ?
Neither of those videos "increase" your RAM.
There is 8GB. Split between the iGPU and the rest of the system.

2.3GB is used by the iGPU of your CPU.
Leaving 5.7GB for the system.

If you somehow reduce that 2.3GB used by the iGPU, then the graphics performance will suffer.
First, try to learn more about what is using memory.

Look in Resource Monitor/Memory tab. You can click on the column headers to sort the data.

Look in Task Manager/Start up tab.

There may be applications and utilities running in the background that do not need to be launched and run.

If so, disabling them may free up some memory.

However, do not disable anything without knowing what it is and why it may be there.

See what you can find and post accordingly.
First, try to learn more about what is using memory.

Look in Resource Monitor/Memory tab. You can click on the column headers to sort the data.

Look in Task Manager/Start up tab.

There may be applications and utilities running in the background that do not need to be launched and run.

If so, disabling them may free up some memory.

However, do not disable anything without knowing what it is and why it may be there.

See what you can find and post accordingly.
Dude I use Razor cortex, a software which automatically disables these applications before gaming.
Okay - fair enough.

However, I tend to be skeptical when it comes to such 3rd party utilities....

I suggest that you still check memory use via Resource Monitor and Task Manager.

But do so both with and without Razor Cortex running.

Curious about what Razor Cortex is actually doing and how it may be helping....
Okay - fair enough.

However, I tend to be skeptical when it comes to such 3rd party utilities....

I suggest that you still check memory use via Resource Monitor and Task Manager.

But do so both with and without Razor Cortex running.

Curious about what Razor Cortex is actually doing and how it may be helping....
But it free up to 700mb of my memory. It is a well known game booster software. It does many things, not only memory freeing but some other things too.
Regaining RAM via the link you posted may be successful.

However, there are always trade-offs of some sort....

Memory may or may not be the source/root of the problem. That is why Task Manager and Resource Monitor are useful. Not perfect by any means but you may discover some correlation between the stutters and the disk drive or network for example.

I do not use Razor Cortex or similar software so will need to defer to others posters who may choose to comment accordingly.

That said, I am going to move this thread over to PC Gaming. There may be other gamers there who play the same games and use Razor Cortext. Someone there may be able to offer further suggestions and ideas.
Neither of those videos "increase" your RAM.
There is 8GB. Split between the iGPU and the rest of the system.

2.3GB is used by the iGPU of your CPU.
Leaving 5.7GB for the system.

If you somehow reduce that 2.3GB used by the iGPU, then the graphics performance will suffer.