Question Possible upgrade.

May 28, 2019
Hey everyone. Thank you in advance for taking the time of reading this post.

So I want to upgrade my pc this summer and I was thinking of buying a new gpu and a new cpu. I want to play all the games on the highest settings possible.

Been out of the loop for a bit and I came up with the following options:

GPU: GTX 1080 ---> GTX 2080ti

CPu: Intel i5 6600k ----> New Ryzen CPu (when it comes out lol).

Do you guys think it's worth the upgrade? Also, Do I need to get new RAM or a new mobo beacuse of the CPU?
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What ram do you have? Ddr3 or ddr4?
What speed is the ram and is it 1 or 2 sticks.
I'd think a ram upgrade might be needed.

You will need a new motherboard for sure. Id suggest b550 or x570 depending on what exact cpu you will upgrade to.

An RTX2080ti+ high end Ryzen CPU is a major upgrade.
Even just upgrading to a high endRyzen cpu upgrade would beyour current I5 will limit your 1080 at 1080p. Obiously a really low end 3rd gen ryzen cpu wouldnt be an upgrade, but a 6 or 8 or 12 core will.