Question Printing issues

Zahid Makda

May 25, 2014
I have a HP MFP M281fsw laserjet colour printer.
Recently I've had some issues when printing.
1) I get lots of these blue dots all over the page, even when I print in only black. I also get a few yellow dots.
2) the page gets a greying tone to it.
I've attached an image for better understanding.

Please, any help would be useful.

Attachment: Printed with dots
The issue started around 3 weeks ago. I e had the printer for about 5-6 years, no issues. The current toners are compatible (not originals) and it's the first time I've had the issues with such toners.

I've done a factory reset and clean, done the standard maintenances cleaned any dirt that I could see inside the printer and on the toners. But nothing has improved.
You mentioned that you did a factory reset. So is it running the latest driver and does it have an install software package from the manufacturer?
This sounds like a more general dirty printer issue. That is, inside the printer there are places where a small amount of certain toners have built up and are falling on the paper as it passes through. Can you tell whether the "blue dots", say, are on the sheet? Are they random, or always ion the same places? Random would indicate an accumulation on a static area that simply drops off, but reproducible locations say the junk is on a synchronized moving part like rollers. See if you can find a way to clean the paper path.
Incidentally, laser printers use a very fine "dot" of a thermal plastic of a specific size, and they melt that plastic dot into the paper. The part which melts it is called the "fuser". It isn't unusual that fusers need cleaning (basically, a complicated way to agree with @Paperdoc). Be careful though since if this printer has been plugged in recently, then the fuser might be rather hot.

Also, there is a place to catch unused toner which more or less falls off as a waste product each print. That tray might have filled, so check your maintenance docs for your particular printer for both fuser cleaning and for any waste dump.
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