[SOLVED] Probably sata connectors done, serching for some solution


Apr 6, 2022
This is a complex question so I ve choose this brech(system) cause is not only mobo or ssd the problem and I m seraching for a solution, so if the brench is wrong I ask the mods to change it pls.
Now the thing,
As another question done not a lot time ago, I have a wd blue 500GB ssd that is about 3/4 slower then a normal one but the problem unluckly isn t just this but way worse .
Actually the ssd(and also the cd reader) disconnect form the pc, and this cause some block of almost all the system(I can use only what was loaded in ram).
I think the problem is form sata connectors(3GB/s).
anyway the config is this:
Mobo: asus p5g41lmxt(or something like that)
CPU: intel 2 quad q 9800(I think is this, is a 4 core at 2.88Ghz but in my config is at 3Ghz)
RAM: 2x4GB 1333mhz ddr3 (the base one)
GPU: 750 ti 2GB Palit mono fan (not used at all)
PSU: tech solo gt730 (never heard about it, is a strange 730W)
SSD: WDC WDS500G2B0A-00SM50 500,1 GB (good state for crystal disk with a 97% of something)
the disk reader is from lg, thers write modisc and super multi and is black.
Now how you can read the pc is at least 18 years old, I growed up with it.
I think the problem is the sata port cause sometime do not recognize the device in the port, and a lot of time I can t even boot windows.
I was thinking about to convert this ssd in a usb ssd cause the usb are ok and boot as an usb device, could be any problem?
Also I was thinking to connect this ssd(as usb) to my own pc((not my dad one) that is more modern with no problems and window 11)by an hub usb I found that have some switch and make a thing like, if I have to use the pc I turn on the switch with my ssd and then start the pc, then turn it off when I ve finished and turn on mt dad ssd.
I don t wanna do a dual boot cause my dad don t really know how to use a pc and go on the net, so I m afraid to get viruses on my ssd(cause I already have done a question about this and ppl said that also if the ssd is in dual boot but not the booter can get the viruses from the booted disk, if I find all the threads I will link them for make all more clear)
Any suggestions? I can t buy a pc for my dad cause he don t want to spend money, this pc was almost dead like 3 or 5 times.
I have also to say that crystal disk bench on this ssd have no results, the ssd start doing the test(not every time) and while it work do like 40 db of sound and block
I tried every sata port(4) and all have the same beheave(sometimes works some times don t)

Looks like dying MoBo.

If you can confirm that virus can pass through a dual boot system while 1 is booted and the other not, I will not do a dual boot(on mine obviusly).

Malware can affect all and any drives connected to the PC. It doesn't matter which drive you boot off from. If OS drive has the malware, it will spread to all other drives as well.

I want if possible fix the mobo.

I have not seen end-user fixing their semi-broken MoBo before. But if you want to try it, good luck. My best guess, you'll brick the MoBo completely during your "fixing" attempt.

If I can t fix the mobo, I would do that thing with the...
Which MoBo you exactly have?
  • P5G41T-M/CSM
  • P5G41T-M LE
  • P5G41T-M LX

I think the problem is the sata port cause sometime do not recognize the device in the port, and a lot of time I can t even boot windows.

Since you have a such an old system, it would be common that some of the SATA ports on MoBo have died over the years. If your MoBo has more than two SATA ports, try with different SATA port and look if it helps. Sometimes, it does.

I was thinking about to convert this ssd in a usb ssd cause the usb are ok and boot as an usb device, could be any problem?

Windows is not capable to boot over USB.

Only some GNU/Linux distros are, if you've created the live bootable on USB device (e.g thumb drive). <- Latter is something that i've done. I'm keeping live, bootable Linux Mint on USB thumb drive, just in case Win decides to crap out on me and i need to access my drives.

Also I was thinking to connect this ssd(as usb) to my own pc((not my dad one) that is more modern with no problems and window 11)by an hub usb I found that have some switch and make a thing like, if I have to use the pc I turn on the switch with my ssd and then start the pc, then turn it off when I ve finished and turn on mt dad ssd.

Bad idea.

While connecting your OS drive to 2nd PC is fine, what is bad idea is trying to boot from it. Since your dad PC has completely different hardware configuration than your old PC, you can corrupt your OS on it. If it even boots.

Best you could do, is just to connect your drive to 2nd PC (dad's PC) as data drive. And then just copy/paste the important data over.
Which MoBo you exactly have?
  • P5G41T-M/CSM
  • P5G41T-M LE
  • P5G41T-M LX

Since you have a such an old system, it would be common that some of the SATA ports on MoBo have died over the years. If your MoBo has more than two SATA ports, try with different SATA port and look if it helps. Sometimes, it does.

Windows is not capable to boot over USB.

Only some GNU/Linux distros are, if you've created the live bootable on USB device (e.g thumb drive). <- Latter is something that i've done. I'm keeping live, bootable Linux Mint on USB thumb drive, just in case Win decides to crap out on me and i need to access my drives.

Bad idea.

While connecting your OS drive to 2nd PC is fine, what is bad idea is trying to boot from it. Since your dad PC has completely different hardware configuration than your old PC, you can corrupt your OS on it. If it even boots.

Best you could do, is just to connect your drive to 2nd PC (dad's PC) as data drive. And then just copy/paste the important data over.
ok, maybe I wrote wrong soo I will schematize.
The mobo is the mlx
My pc is newer and have windows 11, my dad pc is this.
I tried every sata port(4) and all have the same beheave(sometimes works some times don t)
If you can confirm that virus can pass through a dual boot system while 1 is booted and the other not, I will not do a dual boot(on mine obviusly).
I want if possible fix the mobo.
If I can t fix the mobo, I would do that thing with the usb but you said that usb can t boot, right?(can you tell me what is when you have to install windows by an usb? cause from the bios a voice that can be enabled say boot usb for first).
If I can t do nothing which is the cheaper option I have?buy a new pc is the last thing, so any other opinions are well acceptable.
Thanks for the help anyway
I tried every sata port(4) and all have the same beheave(sometimes works some times don t)

Looks like dying MoBo.

If you can confirm that virus can pass through a dual boot system while 1 is booted and the other not, I will not do a dual boot(on mine obviusly).

Malware can affect all and any drives connected to the PC. It doesn't matter which drive you boot off from. If OS drive has the malware, it will spread to all other drives as well.

I want if possible fix the mobo.

I have not seen end-user fixing their semi-broken MoBo before. But if you want to try it, good luck. My best guess, you'll brick the MoBo completely during your "fixing" attempt.

If I can t fix the mobo, I would do that thing with the usb but you said that usb can t boot, right?(can you tell me what is when you have to install windows by an usb? cause from the bios a voice that can be enabled say boot usb for first).

When installing Win, what you have on USB stick, is not live bootable OS in it's whole. Instead, you have installer file, that you can use to install Win on disk drive.

Now, i did say that some GNU/Linux distros, when set up properly, can boot from USB stick. There, you have entire OS, in it's whole on USB stick and once initiated, GNU/Linux loads itself to PC's RAM, from where it lives, as long as PC is running.
Further reading, if interested: https://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/

If I can t do nothing which is the cheaper option I have?buy a new pc is the last thing, so any other opinions are well acceptable.

One option would be using PCI-E -> SATA expansion card. E.g like this one,
amazon: https://www.amazon.com/JESOT-Controller-Express-Expression-Profile/dp/B07VZZ11GB/

With this (or similar) expansion card, you can completely bypass on-board SATA ports and use those instead. If this fixes your issue, it would be the cheapest option.
Looks like dying MoBo.

Malware can affect all and any drives connected to the PC. It doesn't matter which drive you boot off from. If OS drive has the malware, it will spread to all other drives as well.

I have not seen end-user fixing their semi-broken MoBo before. But if you want to try it, good luck. My best guess, you'll brick the MoBo completely during your "fixing" attempt.

When installing Win, what you have on USB stick, is not live bootable OS in it's whole. Instead, you have installer file, that you can use to install Win on disk drive.

Now, i did say that some GNU/Linux distros, when set up properly, can boot from USB stick. There, you have entire OS, in it's whole on USB stick and once initiated, GNU/Linux loads itself to PC's RAM, from where it lives, as long as PC is running.
Further reading, if interested: https://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/

One option would be using PCI-E -> SATA expansion card. E.g like this one,
amazon: https://www.amazon.com/JESOT-Controller-Express-Expression-Profile/dp/B07VZZ11GB/

With this (or similar) expansion card, you can completely bypass on-board SATA ports and use those instead. If this fixes your issue, it would be the cheapest option.
ok, thanks for all the suggestions and clearification.
I will see how many line my cpu/chipset can handle and if I ve another pci e slot avaliable but this is definitly a good solution
Buy a new low end pc would be worty? like an i3 12gen (or also an amd apu or a ryzen 3)or somethink like that with the worse mobo I can find.
I m looking at some z chipset series cause I was thinking about abgrading my pc(my own) but is not worthy for performance leap vs cost so I will not.
Does my dad system support this things? is a dumb question but better ask then get scam, no?
I also found this searching sata pci e adapter
Again thanks for the help, really appriciate
Does my dad system support this things?

If his MoBo has at least one PCI-E x1 (or bigger) slot free, then yes.

Buy a new low end pc would be worty? like an i3 12gen (or also an amd apu or a ryzen 3)or somethink like that with the worse mobo I can find.
I m looking at some z chipset series cause I was thinking about abgrading my pc(my own) but is not worthy for performance leap vs cost so I will not.

Depends what you use your PC for.
If it's mostly web browsing, it doesn't matter much but latest low-end would improve the overall PC usage.
If for gaming, then latest low-end can do some casual games, with good dedicated GPU as well. For bigger games (AAA titles), better look towards Core i5 or Ryzen 5. Since else-ways, your PC might struggle with weak-ish CPU performance.

Btw, Intel Z-series MoBos are the most expensive of them all and unless you don't buy CPU that can be overclocked (with K-suffix), there is no point on wasting money on Z-series MoBo. You'd be better off with B- or H-series MoBo.
If his MoBo has at least one PCI-E x1 (or bigger) slot free, then yes.

Depends what you use your PC for.
If it's mostly web browsing, it doesn't matter much but latest low-end would improve the overall PC usage.
If for gaming, then latest low-end can do some casual games, with good dedicated GPU as well. For bigger games (AAA titles), better look towards Core i5 or Ryzen 5. Since else-ways, your PC might struggle with weak-ish CPU performance.

Btw, Intel Z-series MoBos are the most expensive of them all and unless you don't buy CPU that can be overclocked (with K-suffix), there is no point on wasting money on Z-series MoBo. You'd be better off with B- or H-series MoBo.
yes I was thinking to buy a 12600k with a z690 but it cost too much for the performance it give, I ve a 9600k so in gaming is arround 20%.
my dad use for net surfing, image and this weak stuff but for now I think that for my dad pc I will get that pci expres sata adapter.
There will be any issius with it? cause the cpu is a q9800 I think and the chipset is g41 with installed a 750ti.
I don t use it anymore for gaming and the gpu is just for be a video adapter.