Okay, I'm back from my vacation and got hold of a version of FireDaemon v1.7
It's a snitch but I'll run through it anyway.
1. Log in with administrator priviliges and install FireDaemon
2. Get hold of the console version of F@H
3. Create a folder for it put the console program in there
4. From a shortcut or command line run the console as FAH502-Console.exe -local -configonly
5. Go through the config script and enter username, teamnumber (40051) and stuff
6. When config finishes run FireDaemon
7. Create a new service in FireDaemon to run FAH502-Console.exe
8. Make sure you enter the -local -service flags and set the service to start automatically.
9. Click install and the folding service will start
You can check the service is running by looking for the FAHcore in taskmanager.
There are several reasons for runnig it this way: 1. install and forget, you need never think about it again; 2. it's a hidden system process, so cannot be mistakenly closed or terminated by a user, in fact, you can specify that the service is restarted should it ever be closed; 3. should run as long as the computer is on, no matter who is logged in or indeed even if no one is logged in maximizing your folding output! Hooray!
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