A copy of the one in the Graphics Forum .. for those of you who don't go there!
<b>Project Rank: 428</b> (we were 457 at Last Report).
As "Endyen" commented we've execeed at total of 1/4 MILLION or 250,000 points. No small accomplishment. We are team 428 of 35,000 and are going a ways yet.!!! GO TEAM !!!</b>.
We're moving up the ranks not as fast as before but steadily. The going will get tougher with more and more dedicated teams ahead.
There are threats behind us too <A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=39432" target="_new">Boards.ie</A>. Right now we're holding them off but if we slip in production or they gain strength we'll be run over.
<b>Members: changed +3, Total: 53:</b> Welcome to "ComradeMiskin", "RobC1880" and "Xiphos" all who have made most welcome contributions. You help in fending off "Boards.ie" is most welcome.
<b>Contest:</b> We have a few Gmail accounts to give away to new joiners if you contribute to the folding effort. Apparently these are being auctioned on EBAY now, .. what some people will do for a $1. Anyway, send me a private message after you reach 100 Points
<b>Off To The <A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_list.php?s=&t=40051" target="_new"> RACES </A></b>
"ChipDeath" has turned out to be alive and well. Passing "sidvicious" lately and keeping him at bay. Right now "Xnilf" is taking a lunge at "ChipDeath". Will he fend him off or not. Is the the rabbit and the tortise all over again?
"error_911" and "Carey" are still slugging it out. This has been going on for over two weeks now. Barely 100 points seperate the two and the lead keeps swinging back and forth. It's going to take a powerfail or some creative computer conjuring to free up this struggle.
There is another chase team forming "vader1982", "tmg4" and "xponchox". Asta La Vista baby!!
Lots of new joiner shaking down and getting the feel of this. Lots of good points. Keep them comming in.
<b>Kudos</b> Seems a bunch of people have hit milestones:
Druid21____________5,000 ... Folding is becoming a religion
Spitfire86___________1,000 ... Shooting down those enemies
TheGreatGrapeApe____1,000 ... In an amazingly short time and moved up 11 ranks
Tweebel____________1,000 ... Steady in all Winds
Daniel J. Elaides_______1,000 .. Dan THE Man
me (.aka. Endyen) ... 8.425 ... apparently I missed him at 5,000
"Go Navy" got to walk the plank, got keelhauled and was finally sunk. "Storm" was overpowered by our tornado like speed, we whipped right by them. "Flowers of Happiness" are now contemplating things in our shadow.
<b>!!!! We're Good !!!</b>
Interesting Team names ahead of us, check it out! <A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051" target="_new">Linky!</A>
Some teams that were catching up are having a rough time now that we gotten even more help: Dalhousie, Board.ie, SlashCom. They're not completely gone yet and will hunt us if we slack off too much.
We need some of you older folders to get back into it and we need new contributors to help replace them.
New "Folders" needed; come join us we're <b>Team 40051</b> @ <A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu" target="_new">http://folding.stanford.edu</A>
The loving are the daring!