Im once again amased at your narrow sighted and how little you actualy know about hte hardware. Problem is all your "facts" are #1 moslty not even close or resemble fact. and #2 theoretical numbers.
Like it or not your wrong you believeing everyone else being wrong does not make you right.
The video card in that system as i stated with a direct quote by someone who actualy went into major detail of the specs is no where near as powerfull as a 8800 your kidding your self if you think its better let alone matchs it. If you trust inflated numbers it will NEVER in its dreams get then fine thats why they do it beacuse people like your self believe anything a company says blindly with out looking for the facts. This is why amd was forced to use a speed rating instead of mhz rating because the uneducated about frequincy thought higher number means better. you defanitly fit in this uneducated about hardware catagory.
I'm more then aware of the speed ratings of the new nvidia and my own video card. They are even over inflated however not nearly as much as the video card in the play station.
The xbox is also not better then a pc however its video card CAN get its max rating because of some extra piece of hardware they added to thier box. here let me get another quote youll ignore because it doesnt conform to your fanboy beliefe system.
Want to know why Xenos doesn’t need as much raw horsepower to outperform say something like the x1900xtx or the 7900GTX? It makes up for not having as much raw horsepower by actually being efficient enough to fully achieve its advertised performance numbers which is an impressive feat. The x1900xtx has a peak pixel fillrate of 10.4Gigasamples a second while the 7900GTX has a peak pixel fillrate of 15.6Gigasamples a second. Neither of them is actually able to achieve and sustain those peak fillrate performance numbers though due to not being efficient enough, but they get away with it in this case since they can also bank on all the raw power. The performance winner between the 7900GTX and the X1900XTX is actually the X1900XTX despite a lower pixel fillrate (especially in higher resolutions) because it has twice as many pixel pipes and is the more efficient of the 2. It’s just a testament as to how important efficiency is. Well how exactly can the mere 360 GPU stand up to both of those with only a 128 bit memory interface and 500MHZ? Well the 360 GPU with 4XFSAA enabled achieves AND sustains its peak fillrate of 16Gigasamples per second which is achieved by the combination of the unified shader architecture and the excessive amount of bandwidth which gives it the type of efficiency that allows it to outperform GPUs with far more raw horsepower. I guess it also helps that it’s the single most advanced GPU currently available anyway for purchase. Things get even better when you factor in the Xenos’ MEMEXPORT ability which allows it to enable “streamout” which opens the door for Xenos to achieve DX10 class functionality. A shame Microsoft chose to disable Xenos’ other 16 pipelines to improve yields and keep costs down. Not many are even aware that the 360’s GPU has the exact same number of pipelines as ATI’s unreleased R600, but to keep costs down and to make the GPU easier to manufacture, Microsoft chose to disable one of the shader arrays containing 16 pipelines. What MEMEXPORT does is it expands the graphics pipeline in more general purpose and programmable manner.
Now since you apperantly think these are my opinions (you are once again as you have been this whole thread vary wrong)
you might want to try reading the link posted earlyer which btw has been showing you how little you actualy know about the subject this whole time yet you still ignore it.
here is a interesting quote i got from wiki that reminded me of you.
The stereotypical image of the fanboy is as an unkempt, socially awkward, young man who may be perceived as a loud mouthed pseudo-intellectual. A popular depiction of this stereotype is the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons. They generally remain loyal to their particular obsession, disregarding any conflicting opinions or facts, are often forcefully dismissive of opposing brands, characters or points of view - regardless of their merits - and are likely to be involved in Internet flame wars.
Fact is your wrong fact is the ps3 is not technicaly better then a pc and the fact is the single core cpu in that box is not better then desktop cpus the fact is the video card isnt even comparable to the xbox video card let alone a desktop one.
the undesputable fact is you are 100% wrong you refuse to see it your self as your clouded in the fud you spew but you sir are wrong.
believing something else will not change the facts no matter how much you want to ignore them.
Mhz is not a measure of performance GFLOPS is. Xenos is off topic though I already knew that next-gen consoles could offload gfx load to the cpu, PS3 & RSX can too. The problem is you can only rationalize things to what you know of in the PC realm and the consoles use proprietary technologies that aren't remotely the same in many cases; this leads to your many ignorant, provably wrong claims. I promote you to super-n00b, gratz