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nintendo has it right. make at a low price, sell at a low price, still make profit. and the Wii doesn't have too many bugs. why is it that every PS3 set up in stores like Bust buy, EB, or wal mart is brokes. my friend played one for 10 minutes before it completely froze. The PS3 at Best Buy won't even turn on.
i was EXTREMELY hyped about the wii, but its novlety i guess may be wearing off for me. i was gonna buy one w/ my lil bro after christmas, but idk if its as innovative as i had hoped... i still wanna try before i buy. i just don't want it to suck totally. and i assume that because i haven't heard of any such sucking incidents there aren't any. oh well. i may still end up getting one to replace my worn-out "lunchbox."
Wow those screen shots look horrible... lol

Anyways before anyone says it im not againced consoles i just dont care for the games on them.

With that said the only console to catch my eye since the snes is the wii because i typicaly like some nintendo games like zelda and such. But the thing that got me on wii is the ability to play the games i grew up on it may just find its way in my house who knows.

Anyways i guess after our late night post session mr fanboy couldnt live up to my challange of him to state some hard facts to back his clames up and just gave up :-/ i was really looking forword to some more arguing.
nintendo has it right. make at a low price, sell at a low price, still make profit. and the Wii doesn't have too many bugs. why is it that every PS3 set up in stores like Bust buy, EB, or wal mart is brokes. my friend played one for 10 minutes before it completely froze. The PS3 at Best Buy won't even turn on.

I noticed this too, At the local WalMart the PS3 they have had for a couple of days is just there (its not turned on and the people in that section said it was broken) Im not sure if its broken or if it never worked in the first place (maybe Sony sent out the defective units to fill cases and sell the working units...) The one at the local Best Buy is working how ever :) (It has the new ATV Offroad looking game running) PS3 looks good a perfect upgrade for people looking for a better PS2.... I would wait for more games come out before I bought one. At least the Wii has a decent selection of good games and there is the hope that it may provide something new and fresh with its whacky controll scheme (I guess it paid off pretty well for the DS ?)
You have to admit though, if you like playing games but haven't got either the time or will to spend tweaking his PC and you just want to jump in, kill some baddies and your mates over Live, and then head off out drinking before bringing them all back to sit in your living room for some drunken Pro Evo action then you cant beat a 360 for £200!

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't live without Total Annihilation, but for what they aim to be, consoles do it well, bring games to the masses, and as Cliff Blezinski (is that how you spell it? - Lead desinger of Epic) pointed out, console sales finance the development of many PC games, as they are firstly cheaper to buy, second, depreciate faster, and lastly, easier to pirate. Maybe we wouldn't be seeing Crysis at all if it wasn't for some of Ubisofts console franchises.

This argument goes round and round and round, but I love it!
You have to admit though, if you like playing games but haven't got either the time or will to spend tweaking his PC and you just want to jump in, kill some baddies and your mates over Live, and then head off out drinking before bringing them all back to sit in your living room for some drunken Pro Evo action then you cant beat a 360 for £200!

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't live without Total Annihilation, but for what they aim to be, consoles do it well, bring games to the masses, and as Cliff Blezinski (is that how you spell it? - Lead desinger of Epic) pointed out, console sales finance the development of many PC games, as they are firstly cheaper to buy, second, depreciate faster, and lastly, easier to pirate. Maybe we wouldn't be seeing Crysis at all if it wasn't for some of Ubisofts console franchises.

This argument goes round and round and round, but I love it!

couldnt agree more aside from the choice of console maybe 😀
I would have to agree with the 360 also, I have had a ton of fun playing it with my friends, racing games, FPS(s), and sports games.... graphically it will be better than a PS3 in the end, and it should be easier to make games for.
What's your choice and why?

Nintendo would be my personal choice.

Mostly because the games are what i grew up on of course vastly upgraded. That and the ability to actualy play the original games that got me into gaming is a huge perk for me. Obvioulsy the choice isnt because of graphical power or anything but when it comes to consoles the most important thing is the games since i cant buy and crossplatform them like on a PC 😱
I thought I would offer a thought on this subject. With the caveat that I work in a different industry than gaming, I think I have an insight as a developer. While benchmarking software is able to give you an idea what the system is capable of, actually realizing that capability depends on the product. I work on software for distributed environments and scalability is a constant problem. How do we optimize our software? With consoles, you know with a high degree of precision what your target system is, making optimization so, so, so much easier. When developing for the PC world, I imagine optimization is a much trickier task. That, and gaming platforms have less OS overhead than PCs - although that is starting to change.
LOL, in 4 times and maybe 1 hour total time of seeing the PS3 at our local BestBuy, I have seen it locked up (frozen) twice now. Blame it on the plastic display shell or not, it still cracks me up they can't keep the thing secure and still cool enough to keep functioning.
Consoles are great for people who just want to turn on and play sports games, etc... with their buds. It'll never go out of style. Pop the game in and turn it on. No installing, PC knowledge required.

Someday PCs will have the convienience of concole gaming. Either that or the console will double as a PC and kill PC gaming forever.

One thing killing PC gaming is the fact that console games are not made for PC. Wrestling, sports, boxing, side scrollers, adventures, mario brothers type, fighting games, etc.... They don't make these for PC for some reason. All they have are first person shooters and Sims. Ever FPS is the same, run around and shoot. Go online and get mobbed by kids jumping around like rabbits. I agree PC rules, but the console still rules if you want the conveniense plus game selection.
Quating NightSputnic: "P.S.: Last but not least, PC will always kick console gamer ass as long as they don't have mouse-keyboard input available. Maybe not on a case by case basis, but through 100 games, more than 80 win will always be by the PC gamer. And their is absolutly no discussion there. Mr. Green"

Yeah, can you imagine: above average PC gamer vs 10 Console players in FEAR TDM on Hightech_DM. It just wouln't be fair.
I partially agree, but the fact is, at some point in time in the future, you will be able to play all the current console titles on a pc.... but not all the current pc titles on a console. MAME's will be made for the current console games eventually.... and they make much more than FPS's and SIMS for computer.... as I am sure you are aware of. I was playing Madden 07 on my computer with an 360 controller just the other day.

Why dont you try reading what I was saying you dearest comrade. I wasnt disagreeing with you on the emulator statement. How ever you really need to do some research and get some information, because you are a simple PS3 troll caught up in all of the hype of Sonys horrible console.
You are completly retarded dude... seriously. How can you possibly beleive that BS ?. 1.8 TFLOPS from a gpu that is slower then the 7800 GT. You really need to use some common sence and say wow.... that really doesnt seem right. Sony blatantly cheats on every performance number since everyone of their console launches. I clearly pointed out to you how they cheated on the performance claim of their cell processor. I will however repat my self and explain it in an approach that works for toddlers(ABC)

A) The PS3's cell processor has a total of 7 WORKING cores, which run at a speed of 3.2 ghz. The GFLOP performance number for this chip is 256 GFLOPS.

B) IBM's cell processor with 8 working cores, which run at a speed of 4.0 GHZ. The GFLOP performance number for this chip is 256 GFLOPS.

C) Look at the numbers for both processors and then take your foot out of your mouth and start to speak logically again.

The exact and precise reason why Sony fakes performance numbers.

1) Because our public will beleive their faked garbage performance claims

2) Because people such as your self go masquerading around thinking they know stuff about consoles then become brainwashed by sony, idiots around you think that you actually know something about technology and then become brainwashed, its a whole chain of idiocy.

3) Because they can, and it sells consoles.

4) Because they are lame morons who Fail when placed under pressure from their competitors (Nintendo, and Microsoft).

Sony simply produced a garbage hyped up console. PERIOD. no if's ands or but's. My computer can easily stomp both the 360 and PS3. Computers with the Core 2 duo paired with an 8800 GTX destroy the PS3 and teabag its remains.
Actually, the Xbox360 is a decent piece of hardware in comparison to the PS3 thanks to the R500 GPU; but yeah, people like him are easily brainwashed by Sony's marketing team. I can't help but laugh at the video in my signature.
The only thing I disagree with, is that the 360 might actually have a better GPU than what you have. It hasa higher sustained fill rate and is much more efficient than the X1900 and the 7900 series..... I am very surprised that a console is actually competitive, but the 360 GPU actually is a very good implementation.

Actually, the Xbox360 is a decent piece of hardware in comparison to the PS3 thanks to the R500 GPU; but yeah, people like him are easily brainwashed by Sony's marketing team. I can't help but laugh at the video in my signature.

It's actually an early version of ATi's R600 GPU clocked slower with 48 unified pipelines (Microsoft had 16 pipelines disabled to keep costs down). So for the most part the 360 is DX10 capable, but not quite.
Actually, the Xbox360 is a decent piece of hardware in comparison to the PS3 thanks to the R500 GPU; but yeah, people like him are easily brainwashed by Sony's marketing team. I can't help but laugh at the video in my signature.

It's actually an early version of ATi's R600 GPU clocked slower with 48 unified pipelines (Microsoft had 16 pipelines disabled to keep costs down). So for the most part the 360 is DX10 capable, but not quite.


Where the heck do you get your info from.. might want to consider a new source.
Actually, the Xbox360 is a decent piece of hardware in comparison to the PS3 thanks to the R500 GPU; but yeah, people like him are easily brainwashed by Sony's marketing team. I can't help but laugh at the video in my signature.

It's actually an early version of ATi's R600 GPU clocked slower with 48 unified pipelines (Microsoft had 16 pipelines disabled to keep costs down). So for the most part the 360 is DX10 capable, but not quite.


Where the heck do you get your info from.. might want to consider a new source.

He is actually right about it be nearly DX10 capable

In addition, another thing I like is Xbox Live, its seamless, has a friends list which everyone who plays on live can be on, its easy to add people, to video chat, to send voice messages to invite people to jump straight into games, and also everyone has mic's, when I play PC games now, where you can hear maybe 1 person on a server who has a mic, I find it a very dead experience, if you cant communicate then you may as well be playing against bots. It also has MATCHMAKING - the best invention ever, like I said before, I work two jobs at the moment, and don't really have the time or money to spend racking up hours of practice online, so its a relief to go on live and play against people with similar levels of skill as me, instead of getting massacred over and over again by some weirdo who plays Counterstrike 24/7.

Like you say, the best PC FEAR players are probably better than the best console FEAR players, but how many people ever reach the top of the XBOX live rankings and go "god damn, I wish I had someone harder to play against" - I'm betting its not anyone in this forum.
What a waste of a weekend for anyone brought in by your trolling, I feel sorry for anyone drawn in by your ignorance. :roll:
I went skiing, and enjoyed the world cup races as an escape from st00pid n00bs like you.

:roll: your right there, you used them too so i guess you called yourself weak

That was pretty lame of you, considering my use of the colour and caps was to illustrate your missuse of them; but I obviously touched the right nerve because you stopped that part of your stupidity. The rest you're just too ignorant to understand and too obtuse to relinquish once you know you've been beaten with your own words. Although, I have a feeling it'd take more than that to get it through your thick skull.

Your so smart you just made yourself look stupid

That would be worth replying to if it weren't for the rest of your post(s) that prove you're ignorant and have no credibility on any subject. So there's no point in wasting time on you and your fantasies about technology where you post things you obviously don't even understand.
I think down the road Microsoft should develop a PC gaming console that requires no installation of the game. Pop it in and play console style. It would be a PC Console game that is also playable on PC. Kind of like a windows gaming console.

Some PC games could be made better that are not compatible with the console though, however all the console versions would be playable on PC. Cross platform compatibility. Alot of PC gamers would buy one of these consoles just an an accessory to their PC.

Playstation and Nintendo could make their own consoles if they wish but a PC console would rule. The boxing, wrestling, fighting, etc... games would finally be playable on PC.
I'm very interested in the PS3 and I bought the PS3 magazine next3 or something like that. Anyway I have to side on the PC power as there was an article in the mag that says quote "Crysis will NOT be developed for next gen consoles as there is insufficient power to do the game justice".

The PC will always be more powerful it's just you need more money than sense to play games at their best. I'm staying open minded and will make a decision after seeing the console in action.
Before you decide to make a choice on consoles, you might want to compare the PS3 and 360 side by side, as the 360 has a much more powerful gpu. It is more efficient than the X1900 and 7900 series.... Those two cards have a higher peak fill rate, but, the gpu in the 360 sustains a higher fill rate making it more powerful in that aspect. I know there are more points to GPU power, but it says alot about the gpu that is can outperform those gpu's. The GPU in the PS3 is close to a 7800GTX, just slower, and crippled by a lack of memory.

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