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very nice post.... although i don't understand your sig.... w/e.

i :roll: LOVE :roll: how long this :roll: ARGUMENT :roll: has gone on... like 15 pages now....?

....why won't it STOP?!
very nice post.... although i don't understand your sig.... w/e.

i :roll: LOVE :roll: how long this :roll: ARGUMENT :roll: has gone on... like 15 pages now....?

....why won't it STOP?!

This is the thread that never ends....never, ever ,ever.

and yet, how can you respect consoles (er video game systems) that purposely underprice the hardware cost in order to sell the proprietary core unit in the hopes consumers will buy a sh1tload of games and accessories in dedicated to their system order to make a profit?
very nice post.... although i don't understand your sig.... w/e.

i :roll: LOVE :roll: how long this :roll: ARGUMENT :roll: has gone on... like 15 pages now....?

....why won't it STOP?!

Well, it won't stop if you keep on adding a new post every 5-6 post or so. :twisted:

You know, this why forum exist in the first place, so we can exchange our opinion on different matters. If you don't want to do so, you can still get predigested articles everywhere on the net. They're nice and short, so it doesn't last as long. Never more than 1 page unless it's a review, but we don't do those here... :wink:
and yet, how can you respect consoles (er video game systems) that purposely underprice the hardware cost in order to sell the proprietary core unit in the hopes consumers will buy a sh1tload of games and accessories in dedicated to their system order to make a profit?

Large corporations are coming up with clever ways to trick poor, innocent consumers into buying stuff? Who'd have thought?!?! 😉

Anyway, every organization does this. Making money is how they survive, so it's natural to want to make money.
Thx, as for my sig, I am Iranian, and a person asked me not to bomb them without knowing as a joke, so I thought the kitty sniper/bomb sig would be fitting for me

Just wonderin, did you make this thread just so it would go on forever?

lol thats pretty funny, nice pic btw

and it does seem like THG has been plagued by some quite shoddy threads as of late... threads that keep reminding me in my email that i've got a response.... i should probably stop watching them.... ANYWAY, yeah, like that "shoez" thread? DON'T go there. as much of a waste as this is.
A scientific research came to a conclusion saying a person who says a PS3 is far better than a PC has the following disorders.

1. The subject likes to eat cow dung for breakfast.
2. The subject likes to fling monkey poo.
3. The subject's brain only activates 0.000000000001ns per day.
4. The subject does not know the difference between night and day
or day and night.
5. The subject has the mind of a artificial turf
6. While everyone always put a hot dog into a bun. The
subject likes to put his bun to the hotdog.
7. The subject thinks PS3 is the best console, but
in reality it stands for
Piece of Sh*t 3.

Back when Sony announced the specifications of the PlayStation 3, everyone asked if it meant the end of PC gaming. After all Cell looked very strong and NVIDIA's RSX GPU had tremendous power. We asked NVIDIA how long it would take until we saw a GPU faster than the RSX. Their answer: by the time the PS3 ships. So congratulations to NVIDIA for making the PS3 obsolete before it ever shipped, as G80 is truly a beast.
There is a simple and obvious answer to this discussion that it seems everyone has overlooked. PCs are far superior to consoles because the games are easy to pirate. Eat that and your stupid DRM and copy protection and dumb acronyms/buzzwords that aren't worth my time to remember. Bill Gates will drink the blood of Ken Kutaragi and when the console war is over Steve Jobbs and Shigeru Miyamoto will become gay lovers. The entire concept of consoles being worth owning originated as a myth put out by the liberal elite to scare and confuse the common man. Sony hates your freedom.

For the record, I did not just advocate software piracy or any other form of copyright infringement. It was a joke. Also, no part of that was really supposed to make sense, so don't read into it.
There is a simple and obvious answer to this discussion that it seems everyone has overlooked. PCs are far superior to consoles because the games are easy to pirate. Eat that and your stupid DRM and copy protection and dumb acronyms/buzzwords that aren't worth my time to remember. Bill Gates will drink the blood of Ken Kutaragi and when the console war is over Steve Jobbs and Shigeru Miyamoto will become gay lovers. The entire concept of consoles being worth owning originated as a myth put out by the liberal elite to scare and confuse the common man. Sony hates your freedom.

For the record, I did not just advocate software piracy or any other form of copyright infringement. It was a joke. Also, no part of that was really supposed to make sense, so don't read into it.

Piracy is actually the only way I see the cost of PC and console gaming evening out... but it's not worth it anymore. Too many PC games now are only fun playing on an online server and you almost always need a legit key for that.
There is a simple and obvious answer to this discussion that it seems everyone has overlooked. PCs are far superior to consoles because the games are easy to pirate. Eat that and your stupid DRM and copy protection and dumb acronyms/buzzwords that aren't worth my time to remember. Bill Gates will drink the blood of Ken Kutaragi and when the console war is over Steve Jobbs and Shigeru Miyamoto will become gay lovers. The entire concept of consoles being worth owning originated as a myth put out by the liberal elite to scare and confuse the common man. Sony hates your freedom.

For the record, I did not just advocate software piracy or any other form of copyright infringement. It was a joke. Also, no part of that was really supposed to make sense, so don't read into it.

Piracy is actually the only way I see the cost of PC and console gaming evening out... but it's not worth it anymore. Too many PC games now are only fun playing on an online server and you almost always need a legit key for that.
That's true, but then again you don't have to pay extra to play online. Most households already have internet, so they don't have to pay extra money for online services like Xbox Live or whatever the PS3 has.

It all depends on your tastes I guess. I'd rather have a powerful computer that I can play games on, surf the internet, listen to music, watch porn, talk to people, and do whatever I please instead of just being limited to playing games and movies on a console. I mean most everyone needs a computer anyway, so why not spend a little extra cash when you get one to make it powerful so you can game on it, instead of spending an extra $600 on a PS3.
Guys please i have not declared the war against PCs but i really do think that next-gen video game consoles are a better choice for gaming.Also i have to say that the original x-box is equipped with a pathetic geforce 2 but the graphics it can produce are still decently good.Tell me if there is any pc with a geforce 2 today and even if there was any the results would be disappointing.Many have written in your replies that the cpu plays no role in gaming performance.Ok if this is true i can equip my ancient 486 dx2-66 with a geforce 7800gtx 512mb and have amazing performance.ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I still insist that ps3 is many times better than any pc that exists today but i agree that PCs will eventually keep up with PS3 in the future.I would also like to note that it is absolutely ridiculous to spend 3000 euros for a pc just to play games decently for 6 months until NVIDIA releases its next super chip and intel her next pentium processor.

Originally I was just going to read this thread for kicks and giggles but when I saw this post I had to respond:

1) PCs will eventually keep up with PS3 in the future

I bet most people here would say that PC's are already ahead of consoles. See above posts

2) would also like to note that it is absolutely ridiculous to spend 3000 euros for a pc just to play games decently for 6 months until NVIDIA releases its next super chip and intel her next pentium processor

As opposed to playing games on outdated hardware? Keep in mind PC's have an upgrade path, consoles? Nothing. You get what you get, and generally you get ripped off.

3) The Cell processor, was originially developed by IBM. There was a lot of hype about it when next to nothing was known about it. You seem to be glorifying it as if it was the best thing since sliced bread.
PC's will always have the bleeding edge in technology. Always. Consoles? Maybe on relaease date... MAYBE for a week? Then ATI and nVidia along with Intel and AMD release something bigger and better.
Just a few thoughts on these comments:

3rd, playing 40-50 inches from my (to get) 22 inches widescreen 1680*1050 LCD screen is just as good as playing console 72-84 inches away from a 32 inches 1368*768 highdef TV set. Both gets you about twice the distance from the screen as the one of these monitor/TV across distances, but resolution is better on PC. I'd say PC wins, otherwise I can connect my video card on that same highdef TV set and get what you already have. That of course is if you prefer bigger over better resolution. Forget about 1080i, as image is interlaced (do a google search for it and you'll see) and quality will never be as good as 1080P that doesn't even exist on the market yet, apart from maybe a few expensive exceptions.

4th, I'll take you anytime with your gamepad on my PC. :wink:

Regarding HDTV's and Resolution, playing at 1080i (not a typo, " i " ) I have to say, I couldn't see the difference between 1080i and 1080p at all. I was totally blown away. In the old days going interlaced wasn't even CLOSE to being an option. Now, that's totally different. Before you comment on it, go and see it. If you try 1080i and can see a difference in the sense that it's not playable... heck, if you can even TELL that's it's in interlaced mode, I'd be very surprised. I cannot tell the difference at all. For that matter, none of my co-workers / friends can tell either. So if you CAN in fact tell the difference, you're one of them "special" ppl that have miracle eyes (a curse imo) where you need 200fps to not see skip and a progressive scan television to not get a headache.

2nd, as far as the joystick, trust me, play against a few ppl on Xbox live and tell me they aren't whupping you sideways. The dual analog sticks are amazing once you get used to them. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone with 15 - 16 years of PC gaming... I've played ALL the best 3D shooters from then till now... doom, Duke nukem 3D, quake, quake 2, quake 3, UT, ... you name it and I"ve probably played it. And I'm telling you, with practice you could definitely get as good as a keyboard / mouse. The obvious thing that's missing is that you don't have as many keys to setup. No argument there. But the control aspect, it's very much on the same level.
and yet, how can you respect consoles (er video game systems) that purposely underprice the hardware cost in order to sell the proprietary core unit in the hopes consumers will buy a sh1tload of games and accessories in dedicated to their system order to make a profit?

Large corporations are coming up with clever ways to trick poor, innocent consumers into buying stuff? Who'd have thought?!?! 😉

Anyway, every organization does this. Making money is how they survive, so it's natural to want to make money.

Ah yes. The designed obsolecence of propietary systems! Brilliant!!!! 😀

Of course that didn't work the the Panasonic/3DO system 😳
Should I upgrade now, or wait for DX10?
When is Vista, and the R600 expected out?
Will I need Vista to run DX10?
What's the best AGP card for under $200?
How does the Wii compare to the PS3 and the 360?
Does my 3dmark score seem low?
I just got this computer last week, and the cup holder's already broken. Will this serve as a good replacement?
8O :roll:

Wait...I forgot one.
PS3 VS highend PC. :lol:

Hey everyone, just to show that guy that the PS3 is not a life changing piece of hardware I have found a video of somebody booting into windows xp using a PS3, Linux and QEMU... and yes while it is a virtual load and not native, even a celeron would do it faster.

Video Here
Well said. Unfortunately this topic has dragged on for quite some time now. I hate to add to this but i almost can't help myself in terms of people making ignorant statements like I've seen in pages 1 - 14. I love my computer, and i love upgrading it whenever i can afford it (not recently). However, consoles can be just as good as a PC. As it was stated earlier, Its easier to make games look better on a console because of the coding guidelines that consoles have. You make the game around the console and what it is capable of. With PC's there is so much hardware in circulation that programmers have to scramble just to make it compatible with everything. So it may not always look as polished as a console may look. You can easily spend 2,3,4 or even 5 grand on a PC and still not be satisfied, where as you spend 600 bucks on a console and you're set for as long as you have it. The PC has far more options than a console will ever have.

The PC, in my opinion, is for the enthusiast, where as the console is for the simpler approach to gaming. You plug it in and play it, no worries, no updates, no viruses, just straight up gaming. The PC is for people who like to tinker around, and have multiple ways to approach things. Not just in terms of gaming, but in every aspect of the computer. These are the things that should be considered when purchasing either of the two. Not "which one is more powerful". I still play my super nintendo, and i still start up Diablo 1, those games don't require a super computer to play them, yet they are still fun. In conclusion, the person who started this topic should be shot. The end.
I still play my super nintendo, and i still start up Diablo 1, those games don't require a super computer to play them, yet they are still fun. In conclusion, the person who started this topic should be shot. The end.

Let's settle this once and for all. I just saw a PS3 on display with a Basketball game. Graphics are kick ass for console and damn near good enough to compete with a PC. So in the end it comes down to one thing.

If you want wrestling, boxing, fighting, etc... go for the console. If you want FPS, RPG, multiplayer games, strategy, sims, tycoons, go PC. If your a lanner PC again.

In the end I think it comes down to game selection and you know already whether your a PC keyboard/mouse gamer, or a console fighter wrestler gamepadder.

Sure technically PC is superior and I'm a PC modder at heart, but try playing WWE wrestling on the PC. It doesn't even exist. SO the graphics on the PS3 and XBox 360 and good enough on an HDTV to rule any living room, and if they have the games your looking for don't diss it PCers cause our computers can't play wrestling or fighting.

If your a console fan claiming your consoles will do a FPS or MMORPG better than our pimped PCs then your just a naive little twat who doesn't know any better.

In the end its a tie, buy whichever has the games and style you prefer to play, or if your a hardcore gamer that loves it all get both if you have the cash.

Case closed.

Hey everyone, just to show that guy that the PS3 is not a life changing piece of hardware I have found a video of somebody booting into windows xp using a PS3, Linux and QEMU... and yes while it is a virtual load and not native, even a celeron would do it faster.

Video Here

I'm not saying that the PS3 doesn't get killed by modern X86-based CPUs, but I REALLY hope you don't think this video proves a damn thing. This is some hack that just came out for a PS3 to execute X86 code (which means it has to emulate an X86 processor) and you think that it is going to be fast? Funny. :lol:
I'm not bashing the PS3. I like consoles and I own an Xbox360. What I was trying to say was that they have their niche and for what they do, they do well. I like to sit down, turn it on and play. Nothing wrong with that. I use my PC for some games too, but I use it for more of a multimedia function.

Hey everyone, just to show that guy that the PS3 is not a life changing piece of hardware I have found a video of somebody booting into windows xp using a PS3, Linux and QEMU... and yes while it is a virtual load and not native, even a celeron would do it faster.

Video Here
That really doesn't prove anything as the operating system is not designed for the use of the SPEs and it's emulating x86.
A scientific research came to a conclusion saying a person who says a PS3 is far better than a PC has the following disorders.

1. The subject likes to eat cow dung for breakfast.
2. The subject likes to fling monkey poo.
3. The subject's brain only activates 0.000000000001ns per day.
4. The subject does not know the difference between night and day
or day and night.
5. The subject has the mind of a artificial turf
6. While everyone always put a hot dog into a bun. The
subject likes to put his bun to the hotdog.
7. The subject thinks PS3 is the best console, but
in reality it stands for
Piece of Sh*t 3.

Back when Sony announced the specifications of the PlayStation 3, everyone asked if it meant the end of PC gaming. After all Cell looked very strong and NVIDIA's RSX GPU had tremendous power. We asked NVIDIA how long it would take until we saw a GPU faster than the RSX. Their answer: by the time the PS3 ships. So congratulations to NVIDIA for making the PS3 obsolete before it ever shipped, as G80 is truly a beast.

No, I did not say the ps3 is better than pc overall, but for the price of one gtx, you could buy a ps3 is all I am saying. I am not taking either side, as you need a very expensive tv to get the best out of ps3, while any large monitor will do for the pc. Once again, I am simply saying that for whoever is going to compare them side by side has to keep this in mind

Ahh sorry mate, that was not about you.
It should have said...
A scientific research came to a conclusion saying the person who created this topic says a PS3 is far better than a PC has the following disorders.
Just a few thoughts on these comments:

3rd, playing 40-50 inches from my (to get) 22 inches widescreen 1680*1050 LCD screen is just as good as playing console 72-84 inches away from a 32 inches 1368*768 highdef TV set. Both gets you about twice the distance from the screen as the one of these monitor/TV across distances, but resolution is better on PC. I'd say PC wins, otherwise I can connect my video card on that same highdef TV set and get what you already have. That of course is if you prefer bigger over better resolution. Forget about 1080i, as image is interlaced (do a google search for it and you'll see) and quality will never be as good as 1080P that doesn't even exist on the market yet, apart from maybe a few expensive exceptions.

4th, I'll take you anytime with your gamepad on my PC. :wink:

Regarding HDTV's and Resolution, playing at 1080i (not a typo, " i " ) I have to say, I couldn't see the difference between 1080i and 1080p at all. I was totally blown away. In the old days going interlaced wasn't even CLOSE to being an option. Now, that's totally different. Before you comment on it, go and see it. If you try 1080i and can see a difference in the sense that it's not playable... heck, if you can even TELL that's it's in interlaced mode, I'd be very surprised. I cannot tell the difference at all. For that matter, none of my co-workers / friends can tell either. So if you CAN in fact tell the difference, you're one of them "special" ppl that have miracle eyes (a curse imo) where you need 200fps to not see skip and a progressive scan television to not get a headache.

2nd, as far as the joystick, trust me, play against a few ppl on Xbox live and tell me they aren't whupping you sideways. The dual analog sticks are amazing once you get used to them. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone with 15 - 16 years of PC gaming... I've played ALL the best 3D shooters from then till now... doom, Duke nukem 3D, quake, quake 2, quake 3, UT, ... you name it and I"ve probably played it. And I'm telling you, with practice you could definitely get as good as a keyboard / mouse. The obvious thing that's missing is that you don't have as many keys to setup. No argument there. But the control aspect, it's very much on the same level.

OK, I'll give it to you about 1080i. I haven't seen it personally (gotta be honest, and stay open to discussion. This is the only way to improve :wink: ). I do know that 1080P is way better on it's specification at least, and report seem to say so, but it might not be so big after all. But I also know that any computer LCD is highdef and will look even better because it has refresh below 8ms that make sure there is no ghost. Can you tell the same of highdef TV set? For some yes, for most not.

About the keypad! I've done both, my brother has just about every console out there (except PS3 and Wii as wii :twisted: speak). There is no way anybody, with same practice time, will get the same result with a keypad as with a mouse keyboard. No way around that, unless there is aiming help on in the gane you're playing! Even with games like Morrowind, on both PC and XBox (I've played both), PC version come out easier to play... much easier.

Sure, noob will get there ass handed to them by experienced players. But same level, mouse-keyboard will always win over keypad. That brings the question, what are they waiting to release one set for console? Unless it's already out!
I should have made it more clear as what I was trying to say. A PC does what it does and a console does what it does. Enough said. Anything else is just garbage. I buy consoles to play games, I buy PC to do everything else and play some games. I don't see why everybody is trying to compare them.
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