Question PSU little pop sometime when I turn off and on the pc


Jun 1, 2017
Hi , i've a Be quiet pure power 10 700W and more less from the first week i've used (i'm using from 2017) i noticed sometime a little pop after switching on /off the psu main button specially if I don't turn on the pc at all.
Could be the realy and it's just fine or I maybe be need to worry and think replacing it?
I don't notice any sparks and since now PSU worked pretty well (with my 2080 ti and my r7 1800x)
Dude you took 4 sounds and made them into like 8 with reverb. How's that easier? 😉

Maybe you can leave the PSU switch on and just plug it in or throw the outlet switch if it has one (or use an extension corde with a switch) to see if it makes the 'pop' and record that.
Dude you took 4 sounds and made them into like 8 with reverb. How's that easier? 😉

Maybe you can leave the PSU switch on and just plug it in or throw the outlet switch if it has one (or use an extension corde with a switch) to see if it makes the 'pop' and record that.

Tried doesn't make any pop
How i said before The sound is definitely caming from psu . Happens when the power plug of psu is connected and just in some cases usually when I swich off the psu with low load (so without turning on the pc or when I turning off the pc when it was in iddle)
For that reason I suppose is the releay sound click (or pop) to discharge the unit when is turned off. I've linked the sound in case someone can recognize it and confirm that, or in case tell me if is a dangerous noise like of sparks ark (like often happens in cheap units)
This unit is not cheap at all so since now I was convinced was the relay click. Searching in forums i've found some conflicting news about it . People that says that's is relay and people says that's something of dangerous.
This psu makes a similar noise when pc is iddle and still on (like expensive units do when the load is very low) but to be sure that there is anything to worry i've asked to best community in pc hardware (so you) some confirmation
How i said before The sound is definitely caming from psu . Happens when the power plug of psu is connected and just in some cases usually when I swich off the psu with low load (so without turning on the pc or when I turning off the pc when it was in iddle)
For that reason I suppose is the releay sound click (or pop) to discharge the unit when is turned off. I've linked the sound in case someone can recognize it and confirm that, or in case tell me if is a dangerous noise like of sparks ark (like often happens in cheap units)
This unit is not cheap at all so since now I was convinced was the relay click. Searching in forums i've found some conflicting news about it . People that says that's is relay and people says that's something of dangerous.
This psu makes a similar noise when pc is iddle and still on (like expensive units do when the load is very low) but to be sure that there is anything to worry i've asked to best community in pc hardware (so you) some confirmation

Yes I understand your concern but I can't really tell without hands on access to the PSU whether it's a relay at work or not.

Yes that PSU is of decent quality so the sound being because of sparks/arcing is unlikely unless you're unlucy and the unit you have is faulty. Maybe you can contact the manufacturer and ask them about it?
I've already contacted them and i'm waiting an answere .
I still asked to you bcz i've found another similar topic in a forum with the same psu (but 500w model)
the user asked to be quiet and recived 2 answeres :
The first that said shortly that is preatty normal
The second that said that could be a issue in the unit and can send back to check if there is all right
(another conflicting answere to the problem from the manifacturer too :| )
At the end of the topic another user wrote that had the same "issue" with the same model and
deduced that is ... well normal ... A bit raw conclusion in my opinion.
So to be sure at this point i've asked you too , to have some confirm .
I'm not that noobie in pc building and hardware assembling but opening a psu and trying to find out if there are issue with voltmeter while is plugged is a bit too much for me .
I've fixed some cheap model in the past (some superficial and easy to find issues , like some melted cable that short eachother ) but with an expensive model of my main rig that still work good ... Well it's another story!|
I would change the PSU.

ok ty for your answare . I'll wait some reply from be quiet in any case

Btw I've found that post:
The situation is preatty similar to mine
So in that case you say that's is relay and it's normal
I would understand why my situation is different.
I've a speaker plugged in the mobo and some usb devices that stay on untill i turn off the psu from the main switch could that stuff cause the issue?
This is the answare from be quiet:

thank you for taking time to contact the be quiet! customer support.

When high-powered PSUs are switched on they generate an inrush of current, which can amount to several times the nominal rating of the device.

Such an excessive surge of current will sometimes result in tripping the electrical circuit-breaker that protects the part of the building’s wiring your computer is plugged into.
In order to prevent the possibility of this happening, we built an inrush-current limiter into all models of the Dark Power Pro series (as of P8). The “click” you can hear is the inrush-current limiter activating at start up – and deactivating at shutdown.

With kind regards

Nina Weise

So at the end it really looks like a relay