
Oct 30, 2014
I had weird power losses to my system in the last few days(today alone twice) so I started looking for indicators as to what could be causing it. Looking at hwinfo shows something weird, but I'm not sure it means anything. I'd appreciate if anyone with insight gave their 2 cents as to what it could be.

It's a 2 month old psu. Recently there have been a lot of power losses in the neighborhood, before that I haven't had this happen. I also changed PSU cables to new and supposedly better ones.

Hwinfo low minimum voltages View: https://i.imgur.com/OSmTBjC.png

System is:
Asrock x370 Taichi
Ryzen 7 1800x (runs at stock)
Titan Xp undervolt at .931
Gskill Tridentz rgb 3200 32gb 1.365v 14-13-13-26
The psu is Corsair hx850i

Build is 2 months old now.


2019 5/29 update

The power losses(they were crashes, not power outages) were caused by an unstable ram overclock, not anything related to power issues. HWiNFO still shows the same minimum values, nothing changed however and my system runs just fine.
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Just stress your CPU and GPU as much as you can. That should put a good load on your PSU. Right now you have an 88W load on an 850W PSU. ~10% load shouldn't cause an issue for a PSU like that. While I don't know what's in your system, I'm guessing you probably can't get your system to cross 300W or so. You've gone way overboard on your PSU.
The middle is what I'm assuming he's talking about. That's the lowest level hwinfo has seen. I'm assuming it's a glitch however because all rails show the same thing, 3.297V. If your 12V rail really went down to 3.2xx, then I'd expect issues/reboot. But because all rails are show that value I'm assuming it's a glitch with the sensors.

If you've been having power issues you might still be having them. Brownouts might cause the issue. Perhaps get a UPS for your PC?

Edit: It could well be the PSU. Trade with a friend for a bit and see if the problem goes away?

Is it possible that there are still power losses in general but only my pc restarts from them?

Depends on what's going on. One common issue I see, more so in summer, is when a high draw device like an AC unit or dryer kicks on. If the PC shares the same circuit it's possible to cause a low voltage issue like your screen shot shows and your PC will turn off/restart because of it. Other things might be on their own circuit, or a low voltage doesn't cause it to reset. (it might also reset but you don't notice your fridge doing it.)

It could be that your PSU is dying, or many other things. As I said above, I'm inclined to think it's an error in the software seeing as all three rails hit the exact same voltage level. Do you have a friend with a known good PSU that you can trade with for a day or two? If the problem goes away, it was your PSU. If the problem remains you have a wiring or circuit issue.

Edit: Before anyone jumps on me saying things like that are on their own circuit, I've been around enough to know that not everyone lives in "up to code" buildings. They might also live in an "up to code at the time it was built" house. What should be and what is isn't always the case.
Unfortunately I can't test out any other PSUs at the moment.

https://i.imgur.com/JZzqWwy.png These values and graphs don't match up. I don't really get it. If it continues I'll try to ask corsair support what might be the issue. Today I haven't had any cutouts so far. I'll try running some games for a few hours to see if anything happens.

Or do you have any suggestions for benchmarks or something that can test a psu?
Just stress your CPU and GPU as much as you can. That should put a good load on your PSU. Right now you have an 88W load on an 850W PSU. ~10% load shouldn't cause an issue for a PSU like that. While I don't know what's in your system, I'm guessing you probably can't get your system to cross 300W or so. You've gone way overboard on your PSU.

I'll try a few tests, thanks!