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Q6600 - DFI P35 DK T2RS Swap


Feb 20, 2006
Whelp, my old MSI P6N NV 650i MB bit the dust awhile back, cracked NB chip from replacing the NB cooler that was apparently too heavy.


So I ended up going with a P35 MB by DFI, and wanted to get basically the same OC of 3.2ghz. Been few days in testing, but I believe I finally got my voltages tuned in:

Genie BIOS Setting:

Exit Setup shutdown........................ - Mode 2
Shutdown after AC Loss .................. - Disabled
OC Fail Retry Counter...................... - 0
CLOCK VCO divider.......................... - Auto
CPU Clock Ratio.............................. - 8 X
- Target CPU Clock.......................... - 3200 MHz
CPU Clock...................................... - 400 MHz
Boot Up Clock................................. - Auto
DRAM Speed................................... - 333/667
- Target DRAM Speed....................... - DDR2 801
PCIE Clock..................................... - 100 MHz

CPU Spread Spectrum....................... - Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum...................... - Disabled
SATA Spread Spectrum...................... - Disabled

CPU Feature:

Thermal Management Control................ - Enabled
PPM(EIST) Mode................................ - Enabled
Limit CPUID MaxVal............................. - Disabled
C1E Function..................................... - Enabled
Execute Disable Bit............................. - Enabled
Virtualization Technology..................... - Disabled
Core Multi-Processing.......................... - Enabled

Voltage Setting:

CPU VID Special Add....................... - +100.0 OmV
DRAM Voltage Control...................... - 2.000 V
SB 1.05V Voltage............................- 1.070 V
SB Core/CPU PLL Voltage................. - 1.55V
NB Core Voltage............................. - 1.41V
CPU VTT Voltage............................ - 1.200V
Clockgen Voltage Control................. - 3.45V
CPU GTL 1/3  REF Volt..................... - 67
CPU GTL 0/2  REF Volt..................... - 67
North Bridge GTL REF Volt................ - 67

DRAM Timing:

Enhance Data transmitting............... - Normal
Enhance Addressing........................ - Normal
T2 Dispatch.................................. - Auto

CAS Latency Time (tCL)....................... - 4
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD)................. - 4
RAS# Precharge (tRP).......................... - 4
Precharge delay (tRAS)....................... - 12
All Precharge to ACT........................... - AUTO
REF to ACT Delay (tRFC)..................... - AUTO
Preformance LVL (Read delay).............. - AUTO

MCH ODT Latencey.......................... - AUTO
Write to PRE Delay (tWR).................. - AUTO
Rank Write to Read (tWTR)................. - AUTO
ACT to ACT Delay (tRRD)................... - AUTO
Read to Write Delay (tRDWR)............... - AUTO
Ranks Write to Write (tWRWR).............. - AUTO
Ranks Read to Read (tRDRD)................ - AUTO
Ranks Write to Read (tWRRD)............... - AUTO
Read CAS# Precharge (tRTP)................ - AUTO
All PRE to Refresh........................ - AUTO

Clock Setting Fine Delay:

Ch1 Clock Crossing Setting................ - Nominal

Ch2 Clock Crossing Setting................ - Nominal

Ch1Ch2 CommonClock Setting................ - AUTO

Ch1 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay.................. - Auto
Ch1 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay.................. - Auto
Ch1 Command to CS Delay................... - Auto

Ch2 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay.................. - Auto
Ch2 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay.................. - Auto
Ch2 Command to CS Delay................... - Auto

Read delay phase adjust:

Channel 1 Phase 0 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 1 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 2 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 3 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 4 Pull-In................. - Auto

Channel 2 Phase 0 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 1 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 2 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 3 Pull-In................. - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 4 Pull-In................. - Auto


Did 8 hour FPU test which did produce most heat (ambient temp approx 83-85F):



I noticed from the DFI app, my NB voltage was in the red, so I tuned it down to the above config, and ran 8 hour blend test (ambient temp approx 80F):



From the above tests, I did what I normally do on the PC without any problems. I even watch about 2 movies while prime was running with no errors. However, Windows Explorer did crash when I was trying to open a zip file in the final 10 min stretch, but Prime kept running.


I guess my next set of tests is to use the power options to use x6 multiplier for its actual default speed of 2.4ghz.
Thanks. 😀

Hmm.. wonder if its worth the time to test the forced multiplier of x6, in power options.

I know the temps will be lower. So far the max Tcase temp is 47C. Just wonder if Vista is going to blow up from me forcing it to run slower. :lol: