Question about Motherboard and SATA


Nov 10, 2011
I'm going to build my own (first) PC, and I had a question concerning the motherboard that I get. Feedback on this post will probably determine the motherboard I get, so please keep it relevant. For my PC, I'm planning on using this case This case has 5 disc drive (5.25 in.) bays and 6 hard drive (3.5 in.) bays (four of those are hot-swappable), all of which I want to utilize (I do music and video editing and production and disc burning and copying). All eleven use SATA to transfer data. Not many motherboards have more than 6 SATA connectors. How do I get around this? That leaves me with 5 unusable hard drives or disc drives. Is there a specific motherboard with more SATA connectors, or is this just a design flaw on the part of Corsair? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It would be cheaper to get some new drives with more space, such as 2 tb, than purchase a board with more than six sata ports. They cost hundreds and use server ram, which is also more expensive. I recommend you get a retail box hardrive with the software cd. I use maxblast 5.0 for seagate and maxtor drives. With the software installed, you can clone each of your old drives to the newer higher capacity drives. 2 tb drives go for around $80 in the usa. Two or three of those would be plenty for whatever you do.