Quick Q on GTX 670 boost clock


May 25, 2012
I recently installed a Gigabyte Windforce GTX 670 and it seems to be operating just fine. My question is - what is the best program or practice to test the max boost clock out of the box? I ran GPU-Z while running 3DMark and it showed the highest speed as 1097.4 MHZ. Is this my boost clock out of the box? If so is that good for this card? I only ask because most reviews and discussion I've seen have had a boost clock out of the box around 1150 or higher. Sorry for the newb question, but thanks for any insight.
1097.4 looks to be your boost clock out of the box. the default clock is 980mhz. so unless you have overclocked it, 1097.4 Must be your boost clock (essentially your card overclocking itself. the boost clock is dependent on a number of things, not just your card. there's no point in arguing whether it's good or bad. I would stress the card for an extended period by playing a taxing game such as BF3, and see what clock it boosts to before making a final judgement.

The boost clock depends on the temperature of your card as well as the capabilities of the chip to overclock. so the quality of your PSU, temperature in your case, ambient temperature, and overall speed of your system (or it's ability to let your card run at full speed), all matter. So I wouldn't worry about seeing some review running it to 1150Mhz. it's kind of a gimmicky marketing trick in most people's opinion anyway


May 25, 2012
Thanks for the detailed response, vmem.

For reference, this is my build:
CPU: i5-3750k
GPU: GB Windforce GTX 670
PSU: Corsair Enthusiast 650w
Mobo: Asus P8Z77-V
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LP 8GB
SSD: Crucial M4 128GB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM 2TB
Cooler: CM Hyper 212 EVO
Case: Corsair Carbide 500R
Optical: LG WH14NS40
Monitor: Asus 248H-P
hmm, nice build you got there :)

Everything looks right to me. play a demanding game and see how high the clock boosts too. a benchmarking run usually doesn't stress the GPU hard enough for long enough. anyway, there doesn't look to be anything wrong with your card, so enjoy your 670! wish I had one haha


May 25, 2012
Thanks for your comments vmem. So, the max boost actually has been 1110 and I've been able to OC it to around 1200. I do have a question though. When I run benchmarks and games while GPU-Z is running and I check highest power consumption (TDP), it never goes above 88% or so. When I see the benchmarks and max clocks of other people, their screenshots usually show the power consumption or TD at 100%+

Is it possible this limits my clock? And also any ideas why my TDP so low?

sorry, no idea. maybe someone else can chime in. I'm no benchmark chaser, and I limit myself to OCing on stock voltage to prolong my card's lifespan for everyday use. so to be honest, I almost never pay attention to the TDP haha

but yes, if something like your power supply is preventing it from 100% consumption, it would limit your OC

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