I'm looking for suggestions on the quietest components to support a PC with the following constraints. Don't worry about cost, I'm just looking for the best technical info:
- CPU: i9-14900K
- Power: motherboard will be set to enforce stock limits: PL1 = PL2 = 253 W
- GPU: Nvidia RTX 4090
- RAM: 192 GB
- M.2 NVMe: PCIe 5.0 support (yes I know this drops the GPU to 8 lanes)
- Maintenance: zero/minimal (don't want to open the case on any regular basis)
- Here is a template: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JXcn6D
- CPU cooler -- it needs to be able to cool up to 253W as stated above
- Case and Case Fans
- Power Supply
- RTX 4090 version -- would prefer the founders edition, but if there is a quieter version that doesn't consume more power, I'm open to other options