Relationship between cache and ram

Not at all. It depends on the cache design and the CPU clock speed (assuming you mean CPU cache). In some cases (such as the Core 2 series CPUs, if I'm remembering correctly), the CPU cache speed is the same as the CPU core speed. In other cases, such as the Core i7 and Phenom II CPUs, some of the cache runs at the same speed as the CPU core (L1 and L2), while the larger L3 cache runs at a slower (though still quite fast) speed that you can set separately. In all cases though, the speed of the cache is independent of the RAM speed.


Dec 26, 2008
No it doesn't.

As far as I know core 2 duo cpu's have a defind cache speed which you can't change.

Phenom II cpu's have a cpu-northbridge speed which represents the cache speed. You can increase it with overclocking.

Core i5/7 also have a changeable "cache" speed.

Youre cache is faster then the ram but has less megabites. Small data which the cpu needs often are fed into the Cache larger data which don't need to be that fast are fed into the ram. Data which is even less important is accesed directly from the Hard disk.$

I hope I could help you understand the relation between ram an cache.