Question RTX 3070 Ti Mobile FPS Limit ?

Nov 9, 2023
Recently, I acquired a Dell G15 Special Edition 5521 laptop with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti. Overall, I am quite satisfied with it, except for one issue that renders it useless for gaming. Regardless of the game I play, I occasionally encounter an FPS limit (at 40). This happens instantly without any apparent reason, and similarly, the limit disappears just as quickly.

From what I've been able to determine, it's not related to temperature. I can hit the limit at 70°C GPU temperature, continue playing, and the limit will disappear after five minutes at 80°C.

As I mentioned, this is not dependent on the game or the application utilizing the graphics card. I use FurMark for testing, and it consistently shows a limit of 39-40 FPS (with "full" (99%) GPU utilization).

Here's what I've done:
  • My laptop is always connected to a power source. Power Mode (Windows 11) is set to Best Performance.
  • All software and drivers are up to date. In GeForce Experience settings, Battery Boost and similar features are disabled, including Whisper Mode, etc.
  • In the NVIDIA Control Panel, under Adjust Image Settings with Preview, Performance is selected. In the Manage 3D Settings tab, Preferred graphics processor is set to High-performance NVIDIA processor, Preferred refresh rate (Laptop Display) is set to Highest available, Power management mode is set to Prefer maximum performance, and Max Frame Rate is set to Off.
What other settings should I look into?
I dare to assume that I have solved the problem. In addition to various performance settings in NVIDIA GeForce Experience, NVIDIA Control Panel, Windows 11 Performance Settings, etc., I installed Alienware Command Center, where I set the Performance Thermal Profile, which helped improve the cooling of the entire laptop. Furthermore, I purchased a Laptop Cooling Pad, which further enhanced the cooling.

Apparently, the problem was related to CPU overheating (~100°C), causing the system to enter Throttling, limiting everything, including the FPS of the graphics card precisely to 40 (an interesting coincidence).

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