Migration Megathread

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Overlord Emeritus
Hey there Tom's Community people!

In our ongoing efforts to improve cybersecurity, we'll be making changes to the way users sign-in to the forums starting today, August 10th. As such, every one of our users will be logged out of Tom's Hardware, and all cookies will expire during the migration.

When the migration takes place, it will mark the beginning of Phase 1 (tentatively scheduled for late this week or early next week Aug 10th-14th). Once it is live, to ensure a seamless transition and to preserve your current password, simply log in to your Tom’s Hardware account between now and August 16th. You'll be able to do so by selecting the link in the upper right-hand corner of the site, or by heading to the login page directly once it is live. The new service provides better encryption, so it’s a no-brainer for the security-minded.

Please note that during the migration period, registration and account recovery emails may be delayed by several minutes, so we ask for your patience in this regard. Additionally, please be sure to check your spam folders as sometimes emails end up there.

To sweeten the deal and ensure everyone comes along, we’re running two back to back Summer Giveaways worth thousands of dollars in prizes, including epic and legendary hardware, steam gift cards, and tech that we know you want. For the first of these massive summer giveaways, look no further than right here:

Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, and we’re taking active steps to safeguard your security and privacy with this change on Tom’s. Thank you in advance for your attention to this!

Please use this this mega-thread for any questions or concerns regarding the sign-in service migration and how it can affect your account. Stay tuned for additional details as the timeline for the roll-out of the account migration becomes more clear, as we'll be sharing that with you right here.

Warm Regards,
The Tom’s Community Team

Quick Solutions

Q. I'm getting 500 server errors when I try to log in / log out / navigate the site. Help?
A. Delete your cookies and clear your cache.

Q. The password reset option doesn't work and I can't get into my account.
A. Certain accounts have an issue associated with them that we're hoping to fix in short order. No worries though, your account is safe. If you are someone who has an account and can't use the reset password option, shoot us an email at and we'll add your name to the list of those we're tracking with this problem.

Q. I can't change my email address / my email address is old and I can't log in.
A. Shoot us an email at and we'll process the request manually to change your address once the migration phases have completed.

Q. I didn't get a registration / confirmation / notification email!
A. Check your spam folder and/or different tabs in your email provider and be sure to whitelist us. Be sure to check your account settings for your email preference on notifications.


The UK is irrelevant to me. I live in Canada which is directly next door to the U.S. Will you ever sweeten the deal for us Canadians?

Tom's is actually a CIA op to make you rise up in rebellion against the Canadian government and join the USA.
Hmmm. Where I work, I can't log into Tom's Guide at all, nor into the UK mirror. I hope the new login system doesn't make things worse; maybe I'll get lucky and it will fix ALL of that... (I'm sure it's not a TH issue; security is very tight where I work, which is a Good Thing).

All of this can be found in the Giveaway Rules once the sweepstakes are open.

Having not read this thread I logged in to my previous account, Hello man, one which I had written like 5+ tutorials on and spent lots of time on (like 200 solutions). I got an email saying "thanks for registering" and freaked, as my account was totally empty. Then it wouldn't let me in. So, I reset my password. It worked, but now it tells me when I use the new or old password that my credentials are incorrect. Naturally, I am freaked, so I created a new account to desperately plea for help. It is currently telling me my account has been blocked after multiple login attempts. Wtf is going on? Help!!!

Same. I made a new account to get support. My old account, Hello man, is totally locked up. I reset my password and it now says every password I try is wrong.

Hey there, don't worry. Old accounts are not going anywhere. You will be able to access your old account even if you're locked out currently and none of the info is getting deleted. To be clear this migration is for log in information. We are not migrating the Best Answer database or anything like that. Please send me an e-mail from the one registered with Hello man and we will get this sorted out for you.

Sorry forgot to include my e-mail
This new sign on system definitely needs some tweaking. Every time I close the browser I'm logged out. This didn't happen previously. I was able to come and go at will. There isn't a "Stay logged in" checkbox available.

In addition. The title page no longer indicates that there are new posts since last check in, I have to go to the Forums page before I get any indication. Last check-in there were 4 new messages that didn't show.

Same. But it only logs me out of the home page, I'm still logged in the forums. Brand new so maybe just some early teething issues. ( Hopefully )

The migration system will delete your cookies. Please see the original message at the top of this thread:
As such, every one of our users will be logged out of Tom's Hardware, and all cookies will expire during the migration.
The new log in system is now actively being deployed so there will be some expected hiccups as we QA.
I noticed that I can't log out while on the forums after logging in with the new system, I had to go back to the main page to logout. i got an error 500 I believe.

Also when I DO log in with the new system it's pulling old old info about me from somewhere:

My Tom's username isn't Just Me Soraka, I'm not exactly sure where it's pulling that from, because I haven't gone by that in a long time.
Also I believe T3CH/xXD3athXx said it was showing his full name.

Email sent.

Yay! Such success. I don't know if you did anything, but if you did, thanks a bunch!

i am also experiencing this issue. i'm still playing with other browsers and options to see what may be causing it.

i am using firefox but am trying it with a couple others to see if it is firefox related or not. but at this point whenever i click "update this" to edit one of my posts, it logs me out and returns me to the main page.

when i inspect the button element i see this
<a href="/logout" data-href="#" class="crLink"><span>Update this</span></a>

it looks like somehow this button has been linked to the logout feature though my html knowledge is pretty basic so i may be mis-interpreting what i am seeing

That's odd. For me it's an actual edit link, but takes me to a different page than the one I get when clicking the edit button to the right. I haven't actually logged out and back in yet so maybe it's behaving differently for me because of that.
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