After reading some lines from the article and your reply "Yes, it can be achieved, but VRAM limitations can sometimes get in the way, as in the future, more VRAM may be needed to run games well.", I've been thinking quite a lot about what does it mean.
First I took it as: "If you SLI 2gb and 4gb card, 4gb card will become 2gb, and total memory will be 2gb nontheless".
After reading theads like \ ,
I may think that you meant that SLI 2gb+4gb will not be 6 gb, but 4(2+(4\2))gb. I do feel like 2gb is not really future-proof(those theads say that even modern mods and graphics sometimes favor 2gb+), but I thought that if I can't really push 4gb card now, should I go for decent 2gb card to SLI it later?
Since I would also like to stick with Nvidia, GTX760 for a couple of years, because it alone supports PhysX(althought I've read that later both greens and reds will share some similar technology to relieve customers from this torturous decision), and because benches at THW show GTX being superior to it's counterpart HD7950 in everything, but bitcoin, obviously.
I remember from the article that AMD can XF 2+4gb cards fine, just 4gb will be scaled down, and that Nvidia on the other hand - can't, without specific soft or something.
So the question is: will SLI of GTX760 2gb + GTX760 2gb(possibly different manufacturers, but otherwise same models) make it total of 4gb, or still 2?