OK so I'm setup my dell xps 8300 as a server and I have a samsung 830 for the os and apps and I want to do a raid 1 for the fileserver on two identical secodary hard drives. In the bios I have to put the sata to ahci since I have the ssd if I do raid it won't work because the ssd is not being raided. The best I do besides buying a cheap 25 pcie raid card is doing a mirror in windows. The dell xps has an intel raid controller on the board but don't see how I could use it in my setup.
How bad is mirrored drives in windows compared to buying a "cheap" raid sata 2 card. Also tried intel rapid storage and I think it works but it put the drives in raid 0 instead of 1, can't seem to get into raid menu after bios post. (Server boots up in like 3 - 6 seconds no lie.)
ANyway what do you guys recommend, I'm already going to do backups so I thought maybe raid 1 is fine my only other thought was I could use an app I have that sync the files over as they change. I don't know why but I feel like raid sometimes leads to drive failure since it's more writing
How bad is mirrored drives in windows compared to buying a "cheap" raid sata 2 card. Also tried intel rapid storage and I think it works but it put the drives in raid 0 instead of 1, can't seem to get into raid menu after bios post. (Server boots up in like 3 - 6 seconds no lie.)
ANyway what do you guys recommend, I'm already going to do backups so I thought maybe raid 1 is fine my only other thought was I could use an app I have that sync the files over as they change. I don't know why but I feel like raid sometimes leads to drive failure since it's more writing