So, I recently built a PC and Installed Ubuntu 18.04 on it. I realized that the speed from turning on the PC to loaded OS took around 30 seconds, so I did SSD benchmark and the results showed slower writing speed, but even whit the speed it showed I don't think it has to load that slow, that's the reason why I bought a new PC to load faster than my oldest one.
SSD's specifications:
Sequential Read: 3,5 GB/s
Sequential Write: 3,3GB/s
First Test -
Timing cached reads: 20272 MB in 2.00 seconds = 10147.66 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 512 MB in 0.18 seconds = 2872.19 MB/sec
Second Test -
Average Read Rate: 3,4 GB/s (100 samples)
Average Write Rate: 776,2 (100 samples)
Writing Test -
1073741824 bytes (1,1 GB, 1,0 GiB) copied, 0,829127 s, 1,3 GB/s
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: Nvidia GT 1030
RAM: Adata XPG 2x8 3000MHz
MDB: MSI b450 pro m2 v2
PSU: Seasonic 520w Bronze 80+
SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB
SSD's specifications:
Sequential Read: 3,5 GB/s
Sequential Write: 3,3GB/s
First Test -
Timing cached reads: 20272 MB in 2.00 seconds = 10147.66 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 512 MB in 0.18 seconds = 2872.19 MB/sec
Second Test -
Average Read Rate: 3,4 GB/s (100 samples)
Average Write Rate: 776,2 (100 samples)
Writing Test -
1073741824 bytes (1,1 GB, 1,0 GiB) copied, 0,829127 s, 1,3 GB/s
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: Nvidia GT 1030
RAM: Adata XPG 2x8 3000MHz
MDB: MSI b450 pro m2 v2
PSU: Seasonic 520w Bronze 80+
SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB
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