[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Once again Headspin, I never said the 955 is useless or a bad budget choice. I said it's bottlenecked compared to the 2500K in many newer game titles at high detail settings, in actual real-world scenarios (not synthetic ones) for which I provided benchmarks which you are unable to acknowledge due to your prejudices.You're too stubborn to understand or acknowledge that, stubbornness doesn't make you right. It just makes you pitiable.[/citation]
Intel = business class/professional/Servers/work productivity like 3DCad, AutoCad, CGI rendering etc, AMD is solid for playing games/entertainment and only you seem to think that it cant LOL or does a very poor job at it and once again if you want to play games be loyal to your wallet and choose AMD/Radeon and spend all the savings on games etc. Once again show me some actual real world game plays besides the three Cherry picked games that played terrible on Intel platform. Games that actually work like they are supposed to use very little CPU power and 100% GPU power when they were coded proper however the broken console ports tend to tax the CPU. Notice how MMOS in general and SWTOR plays decent on even modest PC hardware LOL that's because MMOs are mostly PC exclusive and do not have the pitfalls and coding logistical bugs that come with porting for consoles so blame consoles for making you think you need a $1000 INTEL cpu to play a game LOL.
Intel = business class/professional/Servers/work productivity like 3DCad, AutoCad, CGI rendering etc, AMD is solid for playing games/entertainment and only you seem to think that it cant LOL or does a very poor job at it and once again if you want to play games be loyal to your wallet and choose AMD/Radeon and spend all the savings on games etc. Once again show me some actual real world game plays besides the three Cherry picked games that played terrible on Intel platform. Games that actually work like they are supposed to use very little CPU power and 100% GPU power when they were coded proper however the broken console ports tend to tax the CPU. Notice how MMOS in general and SWTOR plays decent on even modest PC hardware LOL that's because MMOs are mostly PC exclusive and do not have the pitfalls and coding logistical bugs that come with porting for consoles so blame consoles for making you think you need a $1000 INTEL cpu to play a game LOL.