Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked

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[strike]Well shoot out a few e-mails and find out when this d*m*e*d engine will use sli. 45-55 fps with 4x aa (ini tweak) / multisample transparency aa in the driver, with lows in the mid 20s is annoying...[/strike] Who's it got to come from? nVidia or Bioware?

It's a BF3 killer, 155 avg, 127 min, 19x max, ultra, 1080p.

:: shakes fist :: at you and Valentino Balboni =/

(Edit: Spoke too soon, it appears forcing 16x af might have been the culprit, still... not ideal)
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]When benchmarking is your job, there's *ALWAYS* lots of time between benchmark runs.[/citation]
Counting tenth's of a frame per second is not what anybody would call a tangible win or loss and who cares it plays all of today's games just fine and once again on the few that it may chock on so does the 2500K so lets not split hairs LOL. When I am getting 60fps and its not going any lower any overhead on top of that is useless since my monitors 60hz refreshrate. The 955 would be more like an old Datsun 240sx still gets her does and can have some fun to LOL.You seem to have confused a Phenom CPU with a Phenom II

I didn't, you really need to check those benches I provided.

The Phenom II's lose by a lot more than tenths of a second compared to the i5-2500K :)
Just got my email to play today. i'm at work of course. Wish this article came out sooner, I've already bought my 560 ti 2gb in anticipation of the early access. had a gtx 460 1 gb, may have just bought another for sli had I known--last mmo i played didnt handle sli well. will try for max settings with some aa in the mix and see how my 560 ti handles it.

The 560 ti is great in this game, just don't enable transparency AA and you'll be fine. :)

like I said about those links you sent Me DeusEX Revolution run perfect at 60fps on Phenom II. The rest of the CPU intensive not GPU intensive games that were bench marked the 2500K choked just like the Phenom II because to me a most gamers 25fps and under min frame rate is unacceptable and the 2500K was at 23fps min framerate which is a signifier of a broken console ported game engine not utilizing today's powerful GPUs.

You can't use a single game as proof of your position that the 955 is a flawless gaming CPU. That doesn't make any sense. :na:


You used 4 games that are commonly known to be CPU intensive as proof that Phenom II CPUs suck at gaming Deus Ex Human Revolution being one of them and I said Phenom II runs Deus Ex Human Revolution perfectly and the other three game's you mentioned had crappy min FPS performance whether they were played on INTEL or AMD CPUs.

Well, yeah! The burden on me is only to show that Phenom II bottlenecking happens.

The burden on you is to show that it doesn't happen. You can't do that, because it does.

It doesn't matter what excuse you make, whether the game is poorly optimized or not is irrelevant. That doesn't help the Phenom II owner when they're playing one of those games. The fact is, it happens in many popular titles at high details.

It does not happen with the i5-2500K. :sol:

The Witcher 2 is one of the heaviest graphical games to date and it does not play well on any hardware config INTEL or AMD so whats your point. Evryone know that a Phenom II 955 or better is a fine gaming CPU with decent but not the best desktop CPU intensive performance like encoding etc.

I find it marvelous that you still don't get it. Witcher 2 is one game. Other games will put the hurt on the 955, and I proved that.

No matter how many games you list that it works great with it, other games continue to exist that crawl with a Phenom II.

Therefore, your argument falls on its face. you can list games all day and it changes nothing. :na:

The three games that you provided a link to put the hurt on both INTEL and AMD and the 4th game Deus Ex Human Revolution plays flawless on an AMD 955.

Let me explain to you why your argument doesn't work, because I'd like to help you figure this one out and you seem to be struggling a little:

By your logic a single-core 1 GHz Atom CPU isn't a game bottleneck.


Because I can list games it plays quickly: the original Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, and some brand new flash games.

By your logic, all games that don't work quickly on a 1 GHz Atom processor are 'poorly optimized', so they don't count.

Actually, by your logic, every CPU ever made isn't a game bottleneck... 😀

A Phenom II is far far closer to the same performance in gaming than some low class power saving net book CPU that has a time maintaining fps in Doom 3. The OCed Phenom II 955 in terms of gaming performance would be like a New Mustang Boss 302 and the the Intel core i5 2500K would be like a Corvette Zo6 and that Intel Atom that you mentioned is like a bicycle LOL.

Maybe so, but by *your* logic the low-power net book CPU isn't the bottleneck.

It's the fault of all those 'unoptimized games' (like Doom 3), so we just ignore them and...

...ta-dah! Like magic, the Atom isn't a bottleneck anymore!

According to your reasoning anyway. Do you see the major flaw in that train of thought now? 😉

Ya it would be very easy for a bicycle-Atom CPU to slow down any game and cause a bottle neck in virtually any but the most optimized games around like Doom3 etc however a new Mustang Boss 302-Phenom II 955 OCed is a beast. Look at LOTRO that game has wonderful high end graphics and it plays extremely well on even modest PC hardware because they optimized the games graphics engine to use the Video cards power efficiently whereas these sloppy console ports like Metro 2033, Crysis 2, Skyrim, which even performs like ass on the consoles and does not look great to boot run like *** because the graphical engine was not optimized. These are just a few case in points of games that have crappy coding and they even run like *** on the highest end PC hardware on the market so the point is Phenom II 955 is as competent as a gaming CPU gets and that is a big reason why it has sold so very well over the past 2 years as a gaming CPU so people can save over buying Intel and put the money into graphics cards where it counts the most in increasing Frame Rates.

Not according to you. the Atom can play some games, therefore all other games are not optimized and should be ignored.

It's the exact same logic you use for the Phenom II.

The Phenom II can play some games, therefore you ignore the games it can't. You just make excuses for it. :ange:

But your excuses don't help it when it gets low frame rates...

You seem to ignore the fact that the vast majority of games rely on something called the GPU (GRAPHIC PROCESSING UNIT) and a good CPU that does not bottle neck a good GPU is a must and there are like 5 games that run like Skyrim and that is an oddity due to sloppy coding on the game engine developers end. For example a Phenom II 955 and Radeon HD 6870 is a great combo for running all games @ 1080p.

I don't ignore that at all. I'm just following your logic path about the Phenom II.

And, according to that logic, the single-core Atom is not a bottleneck. :na:
My 10 Cents on this, I have a 955 Clocked at 4.0ghz, practically within an inch of it's life. My friend bought and i5 2500k, Asus P8P67 and the same 6950 as myself. His machine just embarrassed mine, and we're not talking about just a couple of FPS here and there, I mean, it literally decimated it.

We then ramped the 2500k from stock, to 4.8... Yeah... I'm buying a new PC, my 955 is done.
[citation][nom]kerman19[/nom]My 10 Cents on this, I have a 955 Clocked at 4.0ghz, practically within an inch of it's life. My friend bought and i5 2500k, Asus P8P67 and the same 6950 as myself. His machine just embarrassed mine, and we're not talking about just a couple of FPS here and there, I mean, it literally decimated it. We then ramped the 2500k from stock, to 4.8... Yeah... I'm buying a new PC, my 955 is done.[/citation]
How does a dead/dieing Phenom II x4 955 supposed to feed proper amounts of info to a 6950 and to get a Phenom II 955 to 4ghz stable has never been done which is why your system sucked and why you were so impressed by an i5 for running games LOL.
I guess you didn't comprehend, I never said my 955 is dead, dying, or otherwise - I said it's done, it's no longer performing as well I would like in comparison to what is available now.

I think you will find 4.0ghz is achievable on the the C3's with 1.45-1.5V's. Never been done? Are you kidding me? I get the impression you don't like factual information?
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