Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked

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[citation][nom]kerman19[/nom]I guess you didn't comprehend, I never said my 955 is dead, dying, or otherwise - I said it's done, it's no longer performing as well I would like in comparison to what is available now.I think you will find 4.0ghz is achievable on the the C3's with 1.45-1.5V's. Never been done? Are you kidding me? I get the impression you don't like factual information?[/citation]
Well based on the fact that you had problems with a dead 955 @ 4ghz I would stick to the facts that the 3.6ghz to 3.8ghz rage is safe to run a 955 stable.
Problems? What problems? Again, I never said I had problems. Performance was unacceptable at 4.0, I fail to see how 3.8 or 3.6 would solve that issue for me. I don't have a stability issue.

I see there is no reasoning with you, if you can't see that the Phenom II is a trump in comparison to an i5 (SB) then you're delusional, the fact's on every single site speak for themselves.

[citation][nom]kerman19[/nom]Problems? What problems? Again, I never said I had problems. Performance was unacceptable at 4.0, I fail to see how 3.8 or 3.6 would solve that issue for me. I don't have a stability issue.I see there is no reasoning with you, if you can't see that the Phenom II is a trump in comparison to an i5 (SB) then you're delusional, the fact's on every single site speak for themselves.[/citation]
You were burning that 955 out @ 4ghz over the whole time that you foolishly ran it outside of a stable overclock with increased Voltages outside of the factory recommendation so don't blame your misjudgments on a good CPU that you burned out over some time by running it at an unrecommended OC that fried the CPU then you proceed to have the audacity to call it crappy LOL.
Here we go again with the lack of facts. When did I say 4.0 wasn't stable? When did I say it was burnt out? The performance of my Phenom is on par with all the other Phenoms clocked at the same speed, it doesn't suffer from performance degradation due to overclocking.

I also never said it was a bad CPU, why would I have bought a CPU knowing it was rubbish? I said it doesn't hold up even close to that of an i5(SB), which is fact.

I guess you just don't like the fact I'm finding a weakness in a CPU closely related to what you are running. Given a few posts back your citing that you play everything 60+ at 1920x1080 / 1680x1040 Maxed out then it's quite clear that everyone running the latest hardware needs to send it all back and buy a dual-core PII with an old ass GPU. I'm sorry but nothing you say has any credibility, are you a self confessed IT Technician by any chance?
[citation][nom]kerman19[/nom]Here we go again with the lack of facts. When did I say 4.0 wasn't stable? When did I say it was burnt out? The performance of my Phenom is on par with all the other Phenoms clocked at the same speed, it doesn't suffer from performance degradation due to overclocking.I also never said it was a bad CPU, why would I have bought a CPU knowing it was rubbish? I said it doesn't hold up even close to that of an i5(SB), which is fact.I guess you just don't like the fact I'm finding a weakness in a CPU closely related to what you are running. Given a few posts back your citing that you play everything 60+ at 1920x1080 / 1680x1040 Maxed out then it's quite clear that everyone running the latest hardware needs to send it all back and buy a dual-core PII with an old ass GPU. I'm sorry but nothing you say has any credibility, are you a self confessed IT Technician by any chance?[/citation]
Funny cause I run a quad core 955 @ 3.6ghz
[citation][nom]Headspin_69[/nom] I run an AMD Phenom II x2 555 @ 3.8ghz and there is not a game that I cannot smoothly run albeit with respect to the limitations of the gracefully aging GTX 275 that I use to push the pixels.[/citation]

Make up your mind please.
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]I fall under that blanket, too. Well, I have a lot of years of digital artistry under my belt, and a lot of experience. I can spot an upscaled image from a mile away, but I took 1080p screen caps of this game and they're clearly per-pixel rendered. If they were upscaled, you'd see smudging and unintentional anti-aliasing at resolutions higher than 1024x768, and that is definitely not the case, at least with our test results.I'm curious, clonazepam,... why do you think the game is upscaling from 1024x768? Did you hear it somewhere, or is your output smudgy?[/citation]

Now that I've had retail a few days to play with, I figured out exactly what it was.

If you alt+enter to switch to window mode, then resize the window to something smaller, to multitask, if you go to the game, and go right back to alt+enter, the game will be 1024x768 upscaled to fill the 1080p screen. I had to alt+enter back to the window, maximize the window, then alt+enter back to fullscreen to return it to the true 1080p resolution. So that's what happened to me during beta, probably switching out to check afterburner settings, and the files, and switching back, and so on. So that's what it was. Phew.

There have been numerous reports in general chat about the game running like shat on the planet Taris. The same symptoms never appear in the previous planets. There's hiccups while on the bike, hiccup when opening the map, hiccups when transitioning from one map sector to another, sometimes a hiccup when a mission's bonus mission is updating. All on Taris though, only, so far.

Hahaha you're resorting to accusing people of having broken Phenom IIs now, just because they can see what you refuse to?

I'm not sure how much lower you can go at this point. :ange:

Ah, cool to finally figure out what the issue was.

Maybe I'll update the article with some Taris benches...
[citation][nom]clonazepam[/nom]Now that I've had retail a few days to play with, I figured out exactly what it was.If you alt+enter to switch to window mode, then resize the window to something smaller, to multitask, if you go to the game, and go right back to alt+enter, the game will be 1024x768 upscaled to fill the 1080p screen. I had to alt+enter back to the window, maximize the window, then alt+enter back to fullscreen to return it to the true 1080p resolution. So that's what happened to me during beta, probably switching out to check afterburner settings, and the files, and switching back, and so on. So that's what it was. Phew.There have been numerous reports in general chat about the game running like shat on the planet Taris. The same symptoms never appear in the previous planets. There's hiccups while on the bike, hiccup when opening the map, hiccups when transitioning from one map sector to another, sometimes a hiccup when a mission's bonus mission is updating. All on Taris though, only, so far.[/citation]
Then do some research and you will seen that a Phenom II x2 555 can also be run as a Phenom II B55 because that is what it is with 2 cores disabled but on a good mobo they are unlockable to a quad because a Phenom II 555 is just a binned 955 that can be had for $95
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Ah, cool to finally figure out what the issue was. Maybe I'll update the article with some Taris benches...[/citation]

From the people I interviewed, it happens with nvidia and amd graphics. Some people don't experience it at all. I have it installed to a ocz vertex 3 max iops, using i7-2600k, 4.6ghz with HT on, 16gb ram, and a gtx 580. It's a fresh install of Win7 x64 w/ nothing but the necessities to get games running (have other uses, just havent installed those progs yet). I'm pretty sure I didn't leave any room for any bottlenecking.

I'm sure if I swapped it all out for a Phenom II and a radeon 4650, it'd probly run like butter though.
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Ah, cool to finally figure out what the issue was. Maybe I'll update the article with some Taris benches...[/citation]
did you find more than three games that are CPU demanding and produce low min framerates in game on Intel and AMD yet ?
[citation][nom]samus[/nom]horrible game, brings nothing new to MMO genre except for VO[/citation]

I love it. Of course, I skipped WoW entirely. Stopped EQ in '04, and this is the first mmo I took a serious look at since. I tried Rift for a little bit but couldn't get into it. Been playing it since Tuesday. Jedi Sage gets a lot more fun from lvl 14 on with DoTs, mind attacks (stun, DoT), cc with force lift, etc. I've been hooked on crafting stims and medpaks the last 2 days. That's fun too.
[citation][nom]clonazepam[/nom]I love it. Of course, I skipped WoW entirely. Stopped EQ in '04, and this is the first mmo I took a serious look at since. I tried Rift for a little bit but couldn't get into it. Been playing it since Tuesday. Jedi Sage gets a lot more fun from lvl 14 on with DoTs, mind attacks (stun, DoT), cc with force lift, etc. I've been hooked on crafting stims and medpaks the last 2 days. That's fun too.[/citation]
Being there is a cover mechanic in this game that alone would make this better than WoW lol.,2278-9.html

That doesn't really have anything to do with broken Phenom IIs.
Stay focused, try to keep track of what's going on... 😉

Those are really nice three-year old game benchmarks, though. Thanks for providing that obsolete link. :lol:

You are the only one whom thinks that Phenom II 955 performs sub par so whatever man think what you want.

Interesting fantasy you're living, but ultimately futile since it's obvious the majority of folks on this forum disagree with you. :sol:

Nvidias/Intels Marketing Propaganda is very powerful to bad AMD/Radeon just perform really well for the lower monetary investment is what they were intended and that was never to dethrone i7 or i5 2500 or in any compete in the desktop CPU heavy tasks but sorry for you luck being stuck in the brainwash camp I will go and play BF2 at 50fps on AMD.

Paying attention to benchmarks and data is being brainwashed? That's a new use of that term I'm not familiar with. You might want to check a dictionary, you're confused.

I'm fairly certain that brainwashing involves ignoring information in favor of blind faith of a brand. Kind of like what you appear to be doing on the forum, here. :na:

Well if you payed attention to actual real time gameplays instead of numbers on a chart AKA synthetic benchmarks then you will see that you have been un loyal to your wallet at leased as far as gaming goes.
[citation][nom]Headspin_69[/nom]Well if you payed attention to actual real time gameplays instead of numbers on a chart AKA synthetic benchmarks then you will see that you have been un loyal to your wallet at leased as far as gaming goes.[/citation]

Once again Headspin, I never said the 955 is useless or a bad budget choice.

I said it's bottlenecked compared to the 2500K in many newer game titles at high detail settings, in actual real-world scenarios (not synthetic ones) for which I provided benchmarks which you are unable to acknowledge due to your prejudices.

You're too stubborn to understand or acknowledge that, stubbornness doesn't make you right. It just makes you pitiable. :ange:
[citation][nom]deekie75[/nom]WTF is with all the ads, Tom's? These damn pages are 2/3rds filled with advertising crap, every 15th word is associated with a link that spawns more ad crap, and then to top things off every time I switch pages I get a pop up from CDW. I realize you guys need to pay the bills, but give me a break! This is the first time in like 10 years I have even remotely considered not coming here anymore.Also, you guys that freak out about $15 a month are either 12 years old, completely incapable of monitoring your finances, or both. I have been playing MMOs since the release of UO back in the day pretty much nonstop. $15 a month is an absolute steal for the amount of entertainment you get. I have quite literally saved myself THOUSANDS of dollars because MMOs keep me from going to the bar, going to the movies 2 or 3 times a week, renting more movies, buying multiple single-player PC titles every month, and all sorts of other crap to keep myself entertained. Maybe I'm in the minority here, I dunno. But from my perspective, MMOs are one of the biggest bargains there is.Just sayin'.[/citation]

People find different ways of entertainment that fit themselves personally. Just because you're a gamer doesn't mean you have to hate-bash others. I played MMOs a lot but found an increasingly large amount of ignorance form the players spilling into them. To me a single player RPG is worth it, but I don't buy every title because some of em flat out dumb.
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