Question Strange Buzzing Noise - Motherboard / CPU Area?

There's something called coil whine that has to do usually with the Graphics Card. I have that on my GTX 1660 Super, and I know this because it only happens when I have high fps in a game. Might have something to do with the power supply, as well. Have you made sure it is not from the GPU?
There's something called coil whine that has to do usually with the Graphics Card. I have that on my GTX 1660 Super, and I know this because it only happens when I have high fps in a game. Might have something to do with the power supply, as well. Have you made sure it is not from the GPU?

It's definitely louder near the top of the mobo / cpu area rather than closer to the GPU, but apparently it can come from the motherboard as well. I changed some power related options in the BIOS and it seems to have helped? So I suppose it might have been that. Thanks though!