Question Strange LED behaviour


May 4, 2017

So something strange just happened and I would really appreciate some help or advice! I have just had a issue in-game so I went ahead and clicked the reset button on my case which not only reset the pc but also turned the LED from multi coloured to red and after turning it on again i clicked it another 2 times but it didn't reset the PC this time only changed the LED colours which doesn't seem right!

Is it possible I've wired the RESET SW the wrong way round or something? I remember there is a few such as PW LED / PW Switch etc etc but everything else seems to work fine so im not sure.

Thanks ahead for the feedback.
It's hard to say when we're not physically there witnessing the system. That being said, you might want to include pics of your system and how they're wired in order to help us identify if your RGB controller was wired to the front panel connectors as opposed to the motherboard.

On another note, please find it in your heart to include the specs to your build in your thread's body, since sig space specs can and will change over time, making this thread and it's relevant suggestions moot for the person in the same problem you're in right now.

Make and model of your case and the RGB components?