T. Martin Incident

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I know Zimmerman was afraid for his life... but no one will buy the diabeetus defense.

Don't do MMA training and think you're one or a 17 year old might really give you the beating of a lifetime... till your wimpy loser ass has to pull out a gun on someone you outweight by over 30 lbs.....

I keep seeing these "why ain't this in the national news?" Simple an arrest was made.
In the case of GZ and TM no arrest was made and racism claims were made. That sells media and America bought it, the world bought it, both sides bought it, everyone did.

So to answer what you are leading to "Never heard a thing about it outside Charleston..." There was an arrest made, end of story, don't give the garbage of society any attention, lock them up and throw away the key.

We need more unity not division in this country.

FYI public opinion and protests led to Zimmermans arrest.
Look at the timeline of events that led up to his arrest FYI Martin was shot Feb 26th and Zimmerman was arrested April 11th.

That is another issue. BTW protesting is as American as apple pie, this isn't Cuba.

Very good point!!!

Absolutely. I imagine it would have played better to the white on black crime though. Coverage would be different. Black on Hispanic given the situation would likely have resulted in news again but different coverage.

Remember, it was MONTHS after this incident before it even made news.

Remember her condesending " You listenin'.." This was defense gold
So I heard Rachel was offered a free ride to a school of her choice. This begs the question, will it do her any good?

Of course the school system and her parents both failed her. Her parents (most likely) simply left her alone to develop her own personality and perceptions of morality. The school (most likely) simply kept moving her forward with decent grades to preserve and empower her self-esteem, and to keep their monetary funds funded.

As a father of four, two biological white children and two adopted black children, I've seen first hand how educations standards are different based children's race. My bio daughter and adopted son both happen to be in the same grade (6th next year). She is an avid reader (I've seen her read a 200 page novel in a day), while he was struggling through "Dick and Jane" books just a couple years ago. With this background info, you might imagine my daughter's consternation (actually, she was crying) when she received a "B" for her mid-term reading grade, while he received an "A".

Granted, my son has improved in his reading a lot the last couple of years since his adoption (he even struggled through The Hobbit over a couple months last year), but he is in no way an "A" reader. My daughter on the other hand is an excellent reader. Both of them understand this. My daughter was so upset, my wife called the school for an explanation of how this obvious gap in ability could be reconciled with the discrepancy in their grades. The answer was that they were being held to different standards. My son showed good effort, i.e. he "tried", so he received an "A", and although my daughter can read at an upper high-school level, the teacher wants her to strive to do better on some of tests an so she received a "B".

Of course my daughter thought this explanation was "not fair", because she "tried" just like her brother. We consoled her, told her life was not "fair" and instructed her to slow down and pay attention to details when reading for school. She pulled her grade up to an "A" by the end of the year.

The more unfortunate part was the effect this had on my son. He knows he is not a better reader than his sister, and yet he was rewarded with a better grade than her. Why? Because he "tried hard". Instead of boosting his self esteem, he understands that this grade really wasn't "earned", but simply given. My wife and I are left continuing try to impress upon him the importance to actually LEARN what is being taught. Trying is not always good enough.

When will schools learn that by awarding good grades simply by having the kids show up and appearing to "try" is doing them a great disservice? If they want to boost children's self esteem, FAILURE MUST BE AN OPTION. Otherwise, there is really no reason to strive and succeed.
We are rewarded today for effort, or trying, not for achieving or doing. On your daughter's part, she shouldn't focus so much on the grade but moreso on her achievements of reading at such a high level. That will take her further. She will be better off realizing the grade doesn't mean anything if she still knows more.. especially in the case against her brother. She is better at reading, she scored lower, while he scored higher. So what? When it comes down to life, she will do better. He on the other hand will have to learn the different being trying and doing. His life is going to be much harder unless he learns that lesson. You seem to understand it.. but I wouldn't worry about the bias here or the scale. They're actually helping your daughter while hurting your son. But maybe he needs that encouragement of an A to keep trying until he can do it on his own. If he stops trying, he won't get that A anymore. If he can do it, maybe he will feel the reward of earning it.

On Rachel Jeantel. She was also offered a tutor to help graduate high school and start college. She has the opportunity to do better in her life. It doesn't help the Prosecution tried to make it out that she was Haitian and life was harder. That girl didn't show any signs of having a different life or upbringing that anyone else. The education system can't cope with the failures of families. Pass her on, let it be someone else's problem. Schools are too underfunded when it comes to this stuff. Overfunded in other areas that need to be cut. Teachers are underpaid and don't want to deal with. It doesn't help when you're living in a poorer area. Decades ago politicians had the bright idea of taking ghettos and spreading the people across successful areas, expecting them to become better by virtue of the area. Instead, we have Section 8 housing now where the ghetto is brought into nicer areas and drags the neighborhood down. Thus, we encounter urban sprawl, people heading to the suburbs to get away from that. Higher property taxes, etc. Any means to keep that out of the area for the better of the community. It's an all or nothing approach.

Maybe the media follows her to see how she does. Maybe a TV show will become about her and going to uneducated and illiterate to educated and successful. Then again, everyone will think they need a TV show to do that.

It all starts with family. I'm actually surprised by Trayvon's dad. I mean.. just that he had a dad. I was fully expecting his mother to be there. Trayvon probably had a good life but he let the streets take control. That was cooler, that was popular.. being smart isn't cool. Hell, my fiance keeps telling me she can't believe she's marrying a nerd. haha

I agree with pretty much everything you said, especially this part above. I fully believe that the teachers' hearts are in the right place, just that they don't understand that by giving "false" grades, they may be preventing some children from reaching their full potential. In some situations, it might be akin to encouraging them to NOT reach their full potential, albeit with a gentle and caring heart.

As for Jeantel, I wish her the best. Maybe she can turn her life around and become a productive member of society. I only wish, if she takes up the offer, that it had been made to attend any college, and not just a "traditionally black" one. Why limit her?

Brilliant and 100% spot on!!! How long does a building last with a lousy foundation?
So true ... I have always been primarily someone who has a love of learning and it has stood me in good stead even through the toughest times economically.

Lately I have been studying petrophysics fundamentals, and learning all about the "kitchen" although I have also been dabbling in project risk, managing safe work and process safety.

I want to spend some time later this year on mindfullness, and drag together the body of research that is out there as a reference for the company I work for.

Currently I am enjoying applying IIF in my work group.

Adam thanks for telling us your story - you sound like a great dad.


7 hours. 😉
I can see it now:

Zimmerman: Killer of black teenager, rescuers of people in overturned vehicles!

Oh wait, he did just help people out of a vehicle that overturned. Maybe that'll make some bigger news... But no one died so it probably won't. Most would have probably not stopped or come to aid if in his position. He stopped to help out. That speaks to his character.
I appreciate you defending my position on what I believe in now.


With all due respect, he is 17 years old. And kids talk smack all the time, they're kids....the last line makes me raise an eyebrow though
If you put 17 year old me on trial I would be guilty of a few things.... Including selling some things to friends 😉 #MaryJane

Im not too concerned about "Baby Trayvon" (Also it seems to be conservatives using this one... Odd), he was a young underprivileged kid full of testosterone, none of the things he said means he deserved a death sentence.

Take race and age out of it, now Florida has effectively said you can start a fight and if you start to lose you can shoot the other person.

Besides the whole smoking weed defense doesnt make sense, Im not sure if you have ever partaken but the last thing you would want to do is get into a fist-fight while trying to get munchies.