T. Martin Incident

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That's because you can't hold your liquor and fell down on the ground. At that point you deserved to get kicked. /reynod

I don't think it was racial I just think he was really drunk.

I was drunk to, there were like 5 of them.

I just dont think you should be afraid and racially charged headlines like "Many Blacks Beat White Couple, Media Buries...." is not helpful. I hate to sound insensitive but it just seemed like OMG was upset that it wasn't reported immediately.

Sh*t like this happens all of the time. If you make an uproar about every single mugging or attack a black person has on a white person its not reflective of society today. How many cases of racial violence against the black community that is more severe than this case goes unreported every day?

I refuse to live in fear.

I also dont think the Zimmerman case is about race, it may have been pushed very very hard by people who thought it was about race. Its about a law that has a serious potential for abuse, but I'm not going to comment anymore on the Zimmerman case until it is in court.

PS: Just a question... Are there any Black people that frequent the Toms News and Leisure, that have a comment on this case?
I think it was like 100 black people beat up 2 white people. If it was "mob beats up" or something, ok. But when you have a group of a specific race targeting others of a different race then I would give pause to the idea that it was in fact race motivated.

Do you not think that a superior number of racially specific people beat up on an insignificant number of racially specific people? A simple observation by anyone would lead anyone to that conclusion.
"I also dont think the Zimmerman case is about race, it may have been pushed very very hard by people who thought it was about race. Its about a law that has a serious potential for abuse, but I'm not going to comment anymore on the Zimmerman case until it is in court"

Lets make a list on who got it wrong, what their ideals are, OK?
ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Al Sharpton, Spike Lee, Various hollowood fools, Jessie Jackson, members of congress, Louis Farakhan and theres more.

Now whats their connections?
Therye all dems, theyre all liberals.

So yea, its not important that these people are leaders of men, or that these people are our news givers, given certain constitutional rights so to protect the people and the truth should always be told, and lastly, its their **** jobs

This kinda throws out the libs are smarterer than cons shenanigans
I am afraid the white is going to be back of the line not in front of it if this continues.The media is only exposing the blacks today not the whites which is not fair at all.

I think that's a funny sentence "When was the last time you didn't hear something?" kinda like a tree in the woods......

Honestly it sounds like some sort of passive aggressive racism. It sucks this happened it should have never happened, and it should have been reported more expeditiously. Hate crimes happen every day, not just violence against white people which is what you make it sound like. No one was killed here so im not sure why it would get national attention.....

But I also don't understand why a 100 on 2 results in some bruising and a cut, where they ninjas? Never attack one on one....Haven't you ever heard the proportional law of ninjas?

Im curious now though, what are your views on minorities?

Also @Riser the picture you posted earlier in the thread with Trayvon holding up two middle fingers isn't him.

Not really. I hear all kinds of things not reported in the Main Stream Press.
The real reason we are afraid of the Blacks today.They are becoming more powerful and we more weaker.
I disagree.
I never look at color for safety .
I lived in Cali, where I was a minority, didnt feel threatened there, ever.
There were certain instances, but usually it was an idiot out to cause trouble, and my friends would shut them up.

Who is in this "we" you speak of?

I have no issues with any race doing well or doing better. My concern lies in those who do not choose to do better and disobey laws and ruin the defined American society.

Many already do. For example, my old home town the local news/paper won't report race until after it was determined to be a hate crime. You know what sucks about that? This:

Man, mid 20s, 6'1", 160lbs, wearing a black sweatshirt and black sweat pants robs local store.

White/black/hispanic/other is actually really useful when describing someone.

If you were robbed and someone asked you to describe what the person looked like, would you leave the color/race out of the description since it wasn't a hate crime?
Suffice to say then:

"Black male kills woman" as opposed to "Black male kills white woman."

I would say that is a fair argument.. as long as it was not in the context of a hate crime.
Just like the violence against women act, some want to include gay, lesbian and transgender.
The problem arises that somehow, for each discription of any particular group, there then needs to also be a counter law for all the other groups, as any group could create a hate crime.
To make a particular hate crime, there needs to be an offsetting crime as well.
Of course the majority of crimes will be committed by the majority, but that doesnt exclude the hate crimes committed by minorities, and the hate crimes there.
Problem is, is isnt a political tool to have such crimes defined by law
The laws themselves are stupid.

Does the intent of race or hate matter when harming another person? If killing someone based on the color of their skin is more important than someone just killing, then I think we have bigger issues that no one wants to address.

Murder is murder, assault is assault, regardless of motive.
Exactly, but then it doesnt motivate voters and certain pols, and their base.
The counter held for years is,the establishment then wouldnt do enough for them.

So, by creating these laws we help create a certain legal segragation, which is a crime in itself, as the zealots continuosly push forwards

Each crime have a varied amount of punishment, and according to findings, those punishments can be handed down.
In defense of oneself, it would be the least.
In pure thrill the worst, and for hatred somewheres in between.
IF there is a GOD???

"If" would be relevant in your statement had I stated a personal belief or that God did exist. I merely posed a question about such an entity. To my amusement you have injected a personal belief into a non-personal conversation. :)

If you believe or not, we all know what the word "God" means. To rephrase my question, what is a king without followers?