Tech Companies Dealing With Effects Of Trump's Immigration Ban

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I doubt this ban will have no effect on losing talent in tech companies. Millions of people around the world with engineering degrees are dying to come to the US.
I find it interesting that President Obama did this same thing for 6 months back in 2011, and nobody in the media said a word. President Obama also signed off on the list of countries included in this ban months ago, and yet nobody criticizes him for it. President Trump just enacted what was already set up, and the media goes nuts blaming him for all of it.
I see the problem here these CEO people making the wild comments about all of this are totally getting bent out of shape about it all and spreading kitty fud (false information to try to gain public support). They are using the term Immigrant pretty vaguely by saying oh my grand parents came here etc etc. That is not what Trump is trying to stop what he trying to stop is the wild cards getting into the country and killing people. What he is doing is trying to bring the jobs back to the American people. What is doing is trying to make these big companies hire Americans to do the tech related jobs because he knows there are way to many American people unemployed. I think he also trying to stop these companies from out sourcing their labor work to places like India etc etc and bring the jobs back to America.

But if you believe what these tech companies and others it is the end of the world for them. Yes it will cost them more at the end of the day & I think that is what they are afraid of more than anything. But they are trying to take the focus away from what they are actually afraid of and placing it some where else and it also makes them look good which is good for PR. Trust me these companies do not care about the little guy like they are trying to make it look like all they care about is that bank statement and what Trump is doing will make that statement look a bit worse because they will be forced to hire American Schooled workers that get a higher wage anyone that says different is fooling them selves...thanks
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The original story started it, and if those who run this cite want to keep readership and want to keep the forum civil about it, then they'd better not post stories like this with such a harsh bias, especially without showing ALL the FACTS behind it.
Nope. Cite the facts you assert are missing. Do not attack the messenger. Dispute the message. Otherwise your comments will be removed. Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement is in effect here.

How many of the "best and brightest" come from those countries anyway? We should fast-track people with PhDs from China. I doubt many people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have engineering degrees.
I also noticed as others have said here this was done before and no one barely said anything about it. I guess the media only covers it when they think it will get a lot of attention I am not pointing any fingers at Toms hardware here.

I guess when Trump does it the media figure hey we will get a lot of coverage form this lets run with it. I am talking about the big media outlets and news stations here not about Toms hardware. They seem to think anything bad Trump press is a good thing. Now lets see id they cover his actions once all of what he is doing actually starts to pay off for the USA and jobs are brought back for the workers etc etc. I bet you won't hear a peep out of these same media places and news stations.

Sorry I did not mean to down vote you on this clicked wrong arrow.
But thank you for the link now why is this information not being told by the media
I mean if Obama did as well and no one said anything and it was twice as long
as Trumps ban...makes you wonder.

Once I get home, I'll be able to look up those facts and cite this article right into the black hole where it belongs.
''I doubt many people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have engineering degrees.

may need that to rig a cell phone to some TNT that's why there so good at it and making ied's

that's the folks I need to move in to my Neighborhood from them countries no meed to ban or do any kind of background check at all there all 100% good folks

get real and God Bless America
Do we really need articles like this on a site like toms? This is almost 100% opinionated! Not to mention extremely politically slanted. I really hope the editor of toms will address such issues. Otherwise I will go else where for my tech news. Thought I am sure they could care less which is sad.

Most of this article is about the response of tech CEOs to this executive order. This is tech news. If Tom's praised, or excoriated, these CEOs for their reactions, it would be opinionated and slanted. If it just reports what the responses are, and shows a fair representation of responses (not, for example, hiding 2,000 other tech CEOs who lauded the action), then it's news.

It would be pretty weak of Tom's to ignore such an important emerging event in the tech world. At the same time, any editorializing should be done with a light hand and identified as such. I hope that we continue to see news of this importance.
Wasn't the Obama "ban" just a new vetting on Iraq immigrants and wasn't it demanded by Congress they in-act something like this. And it wasn't really a ban but just the implementation of more stringent vetting which slowed the process down while all were educated on the new procedures, but there was no 6 month ban. And wasn't it basically because of some brothers had been involved on attacks on US forces in Iraq had been given asylum in the US? So everyone wanted to be sure others like them weren't here plotting. No country's citizens were forbidden entry or green card holders lock out like this action by Trump.

I'm sorry but I don't see them being similar at all. Trump is banning all immigrants from these 7 countries: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia (Funny none of these countries have Trump Hotels or businesses). What about: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 terrorist came from. You know they all have Trump business connections, so they must be terror free even if they are Muslim. Now don't you feel safer I know I do.

By the way several of my family members that immigrated here have PHDs. Sorry the US isn't the only country that attracts intelligent people, and with this new policy, I think it's making them consider other alternatives. That is what the article is trying to tell us. It isn't a smear Trump piece the man does that well enough on his own.

Personally I think all should give him a chance to see if his vision makes things better or makes the whole US like Kansas.

Good question. Answer should be no. We don't need Tom's becoming like Ars. We don't need politics on yet another tech website. I want to read about hardware, tech, benchmarks, new products, entertainment, software...not the opinions of some tech CEOs and the fundraisers they're supporting.
We held this story for 24 hours to discuss much of what some people are questioning here regarding whether we should have such a story on Tom's Hardware. We determined a few things: First, this is a tech story in that it is being talked about within our industry, and therefore it is news. Second, that we will not have a political point of view regarding this issue, and we edited this piece with the intention of ensuring that we weren't taking a point of view, but merely pointing out those of others in our industry (it is my hope that we haven't failed in that endeavor), which is why you see phrases like "critics say." Indeed you will find members of our writing team on both sides of the so-called political aisle. Third, that we would purposely reach out to some of the stalwart companies and entities that matter most to the enthusiast community, regardless of their stance on the issue. And finally, that we'd listen and watch closely your response, which we predicted would be swift and, at times, volatile.
Sorry, no, this article does not belong on Toms. That is, I disagree with Toms editors decision to post it.

It reads as a thinly veiled ‘hair on fire’ over reaction, a ‘let’s get hysterical’ push, and this will mess us up forever, think of the children, Trump is the devil, nonsense that pervades MSM. And as has been said, NO ONE raised an eyebrow in 2011, or any of the other times temporary bans have been put in place.

I could sum this article as: ban directed at kind hearted helpless immigrants, lots of tech leaders screaming about immigration not related to the ban, and those mysterious “critics” (the author’s way of saying “I”) said x,y,z, and the future of the US is now doomed.

Let’s look at the first paragraph: “The order's ramifications have already been felt as at least over 100 newborns, families, the elderly, and everyone in between…”. Yup, that’s who the ban targets. But then, the actual purpose of the ban isn’t even mentioned in the piece.

The middle is basically tech leaders extending the limited ban to implying all immigration is being halted. Statements that “my elders were from country XYZ, so it’s possible I/we would never have come if this EO was in place.” More nonsense. A limited, temporary, targeted ban has nothing to do with all those other countries.

Then the end of the piece: “…innovation won't continue at the same pace if the United States closes its borders to the best and brightest minds out there.” Right. That’s what the impact is. We will fail to innovate because we enacted a limited, temporary, targeted ban. Nonsense.

This piece is so poorly written in relation to the facts of the EO, that I actually have to wonder if the author actually read the EO. I would encourage everyone who cares about it to actually read it.

How about we leave the political nonsense and hysteria to the non-tech websites. Please?
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