TECH: DK High Pitched Noise



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My DK is working, sort of.

I boot it up and it runs for a while correctly, then all non-digital
sounds are replaced with a consistent, high-pitched tone. It seems as
if part of the sound circuitry is "stuck."

Powering off and back on fixes it for a few minutes, but it comes back.

The power supply is recently replaced (not with a switcher.) I am
running one of the ArcadeShop high score save kits, though I doubt that
is the problem because it has worked consistently for months up to this

Any suggestions?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Derek Stutsman wrote:
> My DK is working, sort of.
> I boot it up and it runs for a while correctly, then all non-digital
> sounds are replaced with a consistent, high-pitched tone. It seems
> if part of the sound circuitry is "stuck."
> Powering off and back on fixes it for a few minutes, but it comes
> The power supply is recently replaced (not with a switcher.) I am
> running one of the ArcadeShop high score save kits, though I doubt
> is the problem because it has worked consistently for months up to
> point.
> Any suggestions?

It's your power supply. Go for the switcher from arcadeshop.

Archived from groups: (More info?)

> It's your power supply. Go for the switcher from arcadeshop.'s recently replaced, and I've tried switcher kits in that
cab...they don't work reliably, I get shimmering sprites when I do, due
to weak amps on the -5v line. So, I stick to the real Nintendo PS.
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Cracked it open today...turned out to be nothing more than reseating
the highscore daughterboard.

At least, it was happening with regularity before and now isn't
happening at all, so I guess it's fixed!