
Jan 20, 2008
Ok, so right now I am running prime95(small fft), and here is a screenshot of the temps. I overclocked(first time ever) by upping the fsb to 1600, and that's all I did. What I do think is wierd is now cpuid is saying that I have Intel Extreme Q9450. Is that because it's overclocked? Cause I just have a regular Q9450. The temps are much closer now, within 7 or 8 degrees. Sound right to you guys under load like this?

Core 0 - 80 / Max 85
Core 1 - 77 / Max 81
Core 2 - 76 / Max 79
Core 3 - 84 / Max 87
These numbers are from using cpuid hardware monitor, now I got lower numbers mainly in the 70's using Realtemp 2.60. What do you guys think?

You can read more about this issue at these 2 links.

Hope you guys can help. Thanks alot.


Mar 23, 2008
Q9450's Thermal Specification is 71C for core temperatures, at which it throttles. It should absolutely not exceed that temperature. Real Temp underreports, don't trust it.

Try reseating the heatsink. If you're running stock cooler, get an aftermarket one.


Jan 20, 2008
I am going to start over and remove the heat sink, and clean the cpu off, and apply the AS5 exactly as it's shown on their website. See what happens. I have the backplate kit for it, but I worried about overtightening it.


Intel Master

Respectfully, I'm sorry to say that you appear to be misinformed. 71c is the specification in Intel's Processor Spec Finder for the thermal limit for CPU temperature (Tcase) and NOT Core temperatures (Tjunction). Also, the Q9450 will NOT throttle at 71c Tcase, which corresponds to ~ 76c Tjunction. Throttling will, however, occur at ~ 85c Tcase (far too hot) which corresponds to ~ 90c Tjunction. To gain a clear understanding of these thermal relationships, please read the Core 2 Quad and Duo Temperature Guide -

Further, Real Temp does NOT under-report Core temperatures. To the contrary, Real Temp has been proven the most accurate temperature monitoring utility for Core temperatures only. The Q9450 will reach Shutdown temperature (Tjunction Max) at ~ 95c, just as Real Temp's research and extensive testing has proven, and has been verified by a few very sharp users with inside information from Intel. To understand what Real Temp does differently than other popular utilities, and why it's more accurate, please read the Real Temp documentation -

As additional verification, although my Temp Guide does NOT use Tjunction Max values to achieve accuracy, when it's used to calibrate SpeedFan, Core temperatues will agree with Real Temp within a degree or two, while the ever popular utility "Core Temp" will report Core temperatures which are 10c too high on 45 nanometer processors.

Comp :sol: