You talking to me?
The bottom one is a DangerDen Gtx 480 waterblock that I installed my self. When I bought the original card it was $680 and the waterblock costed me $180 ($960.00 Total not including shipping). There was no way I was running them air cooled.
The top one is an MSI GTX480 Hydrogen with a AuquagrafX cooler.
Heard some people in other forums calling them EK blocks and Heatkiller blocks, Honestly i'm not sure. I bought it on sale on newegg for $300.00 with the cooler so I couldn't pass it up..
(had a lot of bad reviews on newegg, but they only sold a few, and I haven't had a problem with it. Works flawless. Think it was just a fluke that first few buyers got bad ones, so people avoided them, and newegg decided to dump them cheap I guess. I got lucky. Wasn't easy talking my wife into letting me buy it.
😀 )
I was hoping the hose adapters would line up as they looked similar in the picture, but they didn't, thats why I have the funny loop connecting the cards. Pain to bleed, and I prefer a clean look. I'd like to replace the AuquagrafX block with another DangerDen block. Love DangerDen.