Hey lads. i got me a new rig, only paid 200 AUD for it too! speccies are~ i7 950 (stock clocks, coz it runs hot as i only had a teeny bit of TIM when i installed it, too lazy to re paste as ive got a new mobo on the way, a sabertooth X58, which is waht i paid 200 for, other than that system was trades/freebies) dareon (lol) HD6970 8gb random ACER branded 1066dimms 120gn corsair force gt ssd OS, 512gb ADATA ssd STEAm, and a 3teebie for random shizzle, mainly anime #weeb life! and i wont send a pic, it will make you physically sick, trusty me.
P.S, i know this is so poorly written, but honestly, meh?