JigoroKano :
I'm waiting for UPS to show up with my 1080. I'm hoping it can run with my 970 folding.
At one point I was running a GT 430 (in a x1 slot with a questionable ribbon cable adapter I got on ebay...) alongside my 650 Ti and that worked ok. Hopefully Pascal and Maxwell play as nice as Kepler and Fermi did *fingers crossed* Edit: If your concern was less about drivers and more about power, just make sure you've got enough 12V amps for both of them running at full tilt.
ir8munk33 :
Well I've had to cease on the folding for now - the competition seemed too much for my i7 4790k and it now won't stay stable when running all 4 cores :-(
Further investigation seems to show that possibly my MB has been providing it with too much voltage, as I never set it manually and left it to its own devices. I suppose i'll have to make do with just 3 cores until I can afford to replace it 🙁
Sad times. On a positive note though, I managed to post the highest numbers i've ever done 🙂
Maybe i'll save up and upgrade to a dual socket Xeon E5 setup in the future. 72 threads anyone?
Further investigation seems to show that possibly my MB has been providing it with too much voltage, as I never set it manually and left it to its own devices. I suppose i'll have to make do with just 3 cores until I can afford to replace it 🙁
Sad times. On a positive note though, I managed to post the highest numbers i've ever done 🙂
Maybe i'll save up and upgrade to a dual socket Xeon E5 setup in the future. 72 threads anyone?

Yowsa, that would be something, alright! Sorry to hear about your poor Devil's Canyon chip 🙁