The Tom's Hardware F@H Team Thread (Team 40051)

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Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded the first tool and there are hundreds of errors scattered here and there, but nothing i can find that really tells me anything. Not sure what I'm looking for.

Thanks for this, this got it back up and running again. I'm still just using the 1080 for now. I might try to add the 970 again later, but it makes my 1080 temps go from 58-61 to 75. 75c seems too warm to let it stay at doesn't it?

Maybe its because im running a 980ti but that doesn't sound hot to me.

As of late, Most of nvidia gpu's I know of can be running just fine with temps reaching up into the 80c's (max temp being about 91c) and being totally fine.

My Gpu when folding will reach low to mid 70c when folding.

Of course, if you really want to limit the temps to say 70c or 65c (lowest is 60c), you can set a temp limit in MSI afterburner so the gpu will downclock itself to keep that temp.

Just curious but what case is that? Looks familiar to me for some reason, might just be the general layout of it. SFX in a big case is funny too :) I wish i still had a pic of when i was running an open case abomination with a separate 420W PSU (turned on with the pin-trick) providing supplemental GPU power when the rig's actual PSU wasn't up to the task. But hey, it worked!

sadly, I couldn't tell you. My dad got this case before I got big into computer and it stuck around with us ever since.

I know he got it around 2003 and it was from the Mendelson's Liquidation Outlet in dayton, ohio. I remember is was cheap but I dont remember price on it.

Beyond that, there isn't anything on the outside or inside of the case that could say who made or what model it is.

Only thing is the image on the front of the case but that didn't lead me much to anywhere. Did have a user on another form that did reconize my case but couldnt remember the name of it either except for "galaxy" in the name.

Closest ive been able to get too is the seahawk galaxy case but its not a exact match.

Here some additional images of my case.



Awesome. I've had a 1050ti sitting around collecting dust for a couple of weeks. Maybe I can finally fire it up tonight.
What is the 1050ti expected to put out for ppd? They have single slot versions of those right?
Would a 1050ti for PhysX only be better than a 1080 alone? Maybe I should add one to my rig for extra folding power. I had a 970 in there but it caused problems so I'm moving it to it's own box.

From what im seeing around the web, somewhere around 150k to 200k ppd is what a 1050ti should be making.

As for PhysX, I couldn't tell you as PhysX has pretty much fallen to the way side these days. (Besides a few batman games, what other newer games even support the feature?)

It worked for me as well. Not that I trust it, but F@H estimates the 1050ti will get approximately 130k ppd.

After digging through my newegg history, I think I might have been thinking of an AOpen case also circa 2003-2004 timeframe. Similar design but not quite the same. I guess a lot of the manufacturers probably had that same style for a while.

That's generally my take as well. Has anyone actually seen boosted PPD from the new driver? That might tip the scales, imho

Win/Win. :) I picked up a GTX 1060 (6gb) and it's pulling 400k PPD, which is running about 10% more than what TWO GTX960's put out. The 10 series Nvidia cards are PPD beasts.

No 1080 here. Although my 980ti is doing just fine :)

It's a bit of a long story. I am doing some stability testing on some different machines I have built. A couple are for Data Science faculty at the college I am in charge of computer systems at. I have some liquid cooling on the rigs and am overclocking the processors to see how stable they stay and how hot they run when pushed. They have Nvidia 1070 cards in them. We have been off for Christmas break so I have just been letting them rip in my office along with several other office is a furnace for the rest of the building now since they turn down the heat while we are away. I had to downgrade the computers from Linux to Windows to be able to use the 1070 cards for Folding. I only run Linux and our Data Science folks are running Linux so it's really a shame Folding can't run on the video cards in Linux from what I can find. I am also running a 48 core server that I am about to join into our VMWare cluster, but am stress testing it over break before joining it. It has a Linux VM that was running on all 48 cores, but for some reason Folding has stopped working properly on that with all 48 cores but will pick up work units when scaled back to running on only 24 cores. I'm afraid toward the end of next week I'll have to put all that horse power to work where it is originally intended and fold with just some "normal" Linux clients. I must say that Folding works so well turned up to full on Linux while using the machine where in Windows it makes the client very sluggish......Nice in Linux is a beautiful thing. I turned all this on when I saw the challenge between Tom's and Anandtech. I have used Tom's for their great graphs and charts over the years and thought a small way to give back to the community. HHbulletcatcher

So I have been investigating a third box to be built on linux and using two to six 1070 but HHbulletcatcher is saying that won't work (or work well). Does anyone know why or have advice to steer me away from that approach?
I am just going off the FAQ and when I install the client in Linux that the GPU does not show as a slot to use.

What operating systems are supported?
Right now, only the Windows family of OSs, from XP onward. We are working on GPU cores from Linux and OS-X, so they may be a possibility in the near future.

There may be a way to get it to work, but I am kind of a tourist in the Folding world. Sorry if this is a sore subject Mousemonkey.....did not mean to poke the gorilla!

The Penguin doesn't like me therefore I don't like the the Penguin and it's not like I'm trying to be an elephant!
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