The Tom's Hardware F@H Team Thread (Team 40051)

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Thanks Unolocogringo. I may set it up then for the friendly competition then. Not expecting too much from the Quadro, It came with the Z400 and I had it swapped out with the GTX 950 that I am currently using.


I propose that the URL on the tom's hardware folding at home team website is updated to point to this page/thread instead. It currently points to that other older thread. It is a bit confusing for new-commers.

How do you install a driver for Nvidia cards under Lubuntu?
The 361 driver improves performance on my 65ti boost under windows, so it should help under Lubuntu.
I moved it there when I upgraded to the 1070 and points dropped.
The latest driver on the Lubuntu driver page is 347.? ..

Hmm, Ubuntu has streamlined this a lot and it has been a while since I messed with NVIDIA Linux drivers, but it was something like:

Press Ctrl + Alt + F1
cd to the location of the file
sudo service lightdm stop
chmod +x (drivername).run
sudo ./(drivername).run

Other notes:

That should either install the driver, or finish your Linux off for good. Don't attempt this if you actually care about your Linux install 😛

I haven't dealt with Lubuntu for a little while now so I'm rusty. What Lubuntu version are you on?

I only use it for folding.
The 361 drivers under windows gives a 10,000 point difference over the 347.?? drivers. I looked online before I ask . But I can not seem to get them to install
Lubuntu15.04 fully updated.

Ok, if the standard method doesn't work then it is probably more trouble than it is worth. What is the error/result? lightdm might not be the correct service anymore.

If it is only for folding, the least painful way would probably be to install the most recent Ubuntu and using the "recommended" driver installation method. Last time I did that I think it gave recent drivers and painless installation. But it has been a little while...
Sweet. Time to change folding team, and put my rigs back into action.

Currently got my mini pc at work folding away. (R9 Fury, i5 4690K)

Later will see how warm my GTX 1080s get. 😀

Wonder if my Core2Quad and old i3 is still operational..

AnandTech has quadrupled and is back on our overtake list. It looks like they have been recruiting for a few days already and pulled ahead.

This is going to be a fun race.
I was experimenting with BOINC for the last week or two(not more since it has been too warm) but I'll switch over. Only an X5650 and 750 Ti though.

I see warmon finally upgraded from the wimpy laptop+pentium 4. Please tell me you retired them. 😉

Question from Tom Griffin : "Folding @ Home with a GTX 750m"

Have you enabled a GPU slot?
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